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Environment Friendly Local Governance Program (EFLGP)

by | 30-07-2016 11:14

Environment Friendly Local Governance Framework (EFLG- Framework) 2013 was approved by the Ministerial Council, Government of Nepal. Government of Nepal aims to make the entire nation environment friendly and achieve its indicators from the level of household, tole, settlement, village, municipality, and district. . EFLGP has been implemented in forty four municipalities and sixty village development committees of 12 districts in Nepal.


Bharatpur Sub Metropolitan City in coordination with Nepal Friendship Society (NFS) organized series of trainings and interactive session in seven government schools of Chitwan District as a part of EFLG Program from 3rd May to 17th July, 2016. It was my privilege to get invited as a trainer by Mr. Birendra Poudel, President of NFS. Due to busy schedule I was able to train students in three schools only namely Narayani Higher Secondary School, Bhanu Secondary School and Balkumari Higher Secondary School.


On 3rd May first orientation program was held at Narayani Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur Chitwan Nepal. Around 30 students from grade 6 to 10 participated in the orientation. Students were trained on the indicators for environment friendly schools and the seventeen sustainable development goals by resource person from Environment department of municipality. My session focused on climate change and vulnerability of Nepal whereas fellow ambassador Sujan Adhikari shared ideas on maintaining green living style every day.


On 6th May, I along with Ms. Ashtha from Saptagandak I Multiple Campus Environment Science Faculty ran sessions in two schools. Climate change and role of youth in building environment friendly community were the topics for interaction in both schools. Students were also trained on appropriate way of hand washing with practical demonstration. Quiz sessions were held in the middle of training for refreshment purpose. Promotional goods of Eco- generation i.e. pen was handed to student giving correct answers to the questions.  Moreover, the students were provided a brief hands out of EFLGP in Nepal along with brochure of Eco- generation. Additionally, I gave a brief introduction about Tunza Eco- generation as the students were curious about the elegant yellow T- Shirt of Tunza Eco- generation.


Needless to say, it always feels awesome to share my knowledge and experience with young emerging talents. Students were so active and curious to learn and interact during the training. It was surprising to know that many of the students were familiar with the basic information and science behind climate change. In each schools few teachers also attended the session and suggested for such model of program to be launched specifically for teachers as well. Many local newspaper and television channels telecasted news and report about the training. Besides training, debate, essay and speech competition was also held on different date and location which I was unable to attend due to busy academic schedule. Thus, the program proved to be effective and efficient in training emerging eco- stewards.