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Global Warming and its effects on Indonesia

by | 19-07-2016 22:13

Global warming affects every single one of us. It affects humans, plants and animals. Global warming has affected plenty of countries across the globe with glaciers melting and seismic activity  generated from it. A lot of animals are also affected such as Orang-utans because the temperature change slowed down the production of fruits, which are Orang-utans food. 

Coral reefs are also in danger due to the temperature changes and coral reefs are important to our environment as it is not only the habitat of plenty marine animals, but it also prevents waves from destroying the shore. Global warming changes ocean currents and salinity patterns in the ocean. It also causes el nino. 

Effects of Global Warming in Indonesia

Global warming has affected the weather patterns of Indonesia, making it hard for farmers to grow crops successfully. Sea level rising also threatens Indonesia?s boundaries. There are also huge risks of flooding in Indonesia. It has started to happen as recently, many cities in Java was flooded up to an adult?s chest length. Everyone was moved out of their homes and into shelters. 

A few of my aunties and uncles were affected by the flood. They had to leave their homes and only bring their important possessions with them. Their homes were flooded and it destroyed their furnitures. 

How Indonesia contributes to Global Warming

Indonesia uses lots of fossil fuels as Indonesia has plenty of coal resources. It is hard to power Indonesia with alternative sources of energy as a lot of its inhabitants are suffering from poverty. Alternative sources of energy would be too expensive and it would be hard to transport considering Indonesia is an archipelago of 17 500 islands. 

Indonesia also burns forests in order to make space to grow palm oil for the palm oil industry. Deforestations happens a lot in Indonesia.

What Indonesia is doing to prevent Global Warming from getting worse

Indonesia?s deforestation problem is well improving. It has slowed down a lot and is being regulated. Indonesia has also pledged to cut its emissions by 26% by 2020. Indonesia is also being helped by other countries in order to achieve its goal. Indonesia is also confident that it is possible for them to cut down emissions by 41% instead of only 26%.

What we are doing as youths to tackle Global Warming

As youths, our age is easily overseen. Plenty of adults think we can?t do much which is why we do what we can do. My team, Green Team Indonesia, and I try to do as much as we can to tackle Global Warming. As you all probably know, we have joined the Waste Bank where we donate our garbage for it to be recycled. 

We are also in the process of releasing our own merchandise made out of reused garbage such as old newspapers, coffee packages, etc. with the help of Dahlia Asri Waste Bank in Batu Bulan, Gianyar, Bali.

We also do beach-clean-ups, plant mangroves, plant corals, plant trees, make biodiesel out of used cooking oil, minimising the use of electricity, doing carpools, and many more.

We do what we can without thinking of our age. Tackling Global Warming and Climate Change requires the cooperation of every single one of us. We can do this. We will do this. All we need to do is do it together. Go Green!