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by | 20-07-2016 17:13

Mainstream Medias and a number of pendants and experts have often expressed their concern on how global warming might reduce the ice in the Arctic Circle, or deplete the ozone layer. However, few have been reported on how the small scale farmers living in a poor country like Ethiopia are the prime victims of Global warming. This negligence might arise from ignorance or it might be an issue of priority. Nevertheless, the international community has given a small if not none attention to rural communities that have been suffering from the effects of global warming.

 There are a number of reasons for why Ethiopian and other African small scale farmers are the prime victims by global warming. Frist of all, almost all farmers in Ethiopia are traditional farmers who don?t have the necessary finance and knowhow to engage in a mechanized farming. That means, these farmers utterly depend on the weather to determine when to saw and when to harvest their crops. Since practices like modern irrigation are too expensive to afford, small scale farmers have no choice but to follow their traditional way of farming.

 For farmers who utterly depend on the weather for their overall activity, global warming is the worst nightmare these farmers could think of. There are a number of reasons for why these is the case. First of all, Global warming causes unexpected weather variations and climate change that affects the vegetative habitat of a given area. This means, crops that used grow in one particular area might no longer grow because of the climate shift. Secondly, Global warming causes catastrophic events such as flooding, storms, heavy rain and strong wind that could destroy an entire farm within seconds. These and other effects can make the life of an Ethiopian farmer a living hell.

 The government, the international community and other stakeholders, therefore, have to do more to combat the effects of global warming in Africa. However, if there are any major players in combating global warming, those are the industrialized nations like the China, India and the US with the highest figure of carbon emissions. Unless these nations make a commitment to reduce carbon emission significantly, small scale farmers in Ethiopia and other African nations will continue to be the prime victims of Global warming. The COP21 summit in France was a breakthrough as the promises made on that summit are promising. However, history will testify whether the promises will be implemented or not.

 In the meantime, the youth in Africa and in other parts of the world have to speak up against Global warming and its effects on small scale farmers. Campaigning and advocating to raise awareness on this issue internationally will certainly resonate with politicians and policy makers. Therefore I call on all Eco- generation ambassadors to take time and campaign on this issue and reflect in their society.