Global Warmingby | 20-07-2016 19:05 |
Global Warming is the rise in earth?s surface temperature as a consequence of greenhouse gases such as CO2 emissions, is called Global Warming. It is mainly caused due to Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants and burning gasoline for transportation and Deforestation. EFFECTS of Global Warming : 1. Climate Change: Global warming is causing climate change. The world?s is becoming warmer and warmer. There is also prediction of regional climate changes along the ecosystem. 2. Sea Level Change: One major consequence of global warming arising out of greenhouse effect is the rise in sea level. The sea level is rising mainly due to melting down of glaciers and polar sheets . Thus, the coastal cities and ports may be submerged under sea-water. Many islands may vanish from the earth surface as well as from the world map. 3. Water Balance: Although changes in sea-level have received much publicity, problems of water availability are likely to be more serious and perhaps more expensive to solve. In future, warmer world will face water crisis in some parts while in other regions it will be wetter than it is now. 4. Human Health: The human health is very much of risk due to the rise of heat . The hot temperatures would cause rise in lot of diseases which may cause heavy death toll in the near future. The Gobal Warming is very much on the rise . According to the recent studies Global warming has caused the changes in the pattern of clouds which would heat up the Earth more than expected in the near future .This may kill 250,000 people per year and in this disaster, India may contribute significantly to the global death toll. The WHO further indicates that, most of the death will be caused from deadly diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Heat stress, and Malnutrition. The heaviest burden is likely to fall on children, women, and elderly people. The UN research also pointed out that the Global Warming may cost a loss of whopping $1.5 trillion by 2030 since it would become too hot to work. The report showed that in Southeast Asia alone, up to 20 percent of annual work hours may already be lost in jobs with exposure to extreme heat with the figures set to double by 2050 . PREVENTIVE MEASURES : 1) Reducing the use of fossil fuels and releasing the minimum amounts of greenhouse gases and particulate matters in the industrial, transport and domestic sectors, 2) Developing renewable energy sources like solar, biomass, wind, small hydropower and nuclear for domestic and commercial purposes. 3) Applying better technology for conservation of energy resources and releasing less amounts of GHG. 4) Greening the mining, industrial, barren and urban areas through large scale plantation of fast growing and commercial species. 5) Keeping the land and water bodies free from wastes and effluents like domestic, commercial and agro wastes, urban sewage, human excreta, animal dung etc. 6) Protecting the people from extreme weather events and outbreaks of infectious diseases. Source : ToI , The Independent .