This is how I ended my vacationby | 11-07-2016 23:25 |
Last Week I was on capital city for my personal Visit or let?s say small retreat to myself. Even though it was meant exclusively for entertainment and refreshments, guess what? I ended up meeting my eco Steward friend and some emerging youth activist. It obviously become 'entertaining' and ?refreshing?. (My new definition of these two terms LOL) Out of many stories, experience and knowledge sharing, topic of ?Should Rich Countries pay for the poor countries in Climate Change? and ?Is carbon trade justifiable and feasible? was mind-blowing, nerve wrecking and extremely confusing. These were the same topic that my beautiful Friend was about to discuss on elite environment platform which was carried out by BBC and moderated by Harvard University. She was one of the invited youth representing South Asia. When she asked me these two questions, I gave her answer lightly. But as we together went on the seemingly confusing voyage, we were stroke my millions of possible answers each with justifiable reason. So concrete answer to this would be like defining ?Who am I or What is life? We even called seniors Environmentalist and in return we got different answers each with agreeable answer. (God save us)
After this I was sure, why we are not having the momentum. We know the truth but our corporate greed, selfishness and temperament to discuss rather than act have made such simple questions' answer difficult and vague. If we punish the culprit for the crimes they have done, why not in Climate. ?Culprit? words might sound a bit harsh, but we cannot escape from the truth always. We do not need any further report or evidence to prove all the existing development have been done by haphazard use of natural resources. May be we did not feel those, as only few parts were developing at this pace and we still had abundant resources stored. But development and use of resources are skyrocketing at every nook and corner of the world, this is the only time where our saving habits can really save our civilization. I very much agree with payment by the rich (and technically developed as well) countries to poor (and technically backward also). Poor countries should first receive enough materials (not simply monetary benefits) to fulfil the basic needs that will enable them to think for the mother earth. (As it?s quite true Hunger obeys no law). Similarly, technically sound countries (which often coincides with developed countries) should transfer the advanced and eco-friendly technologies to Rich but technically backward countries. This will help to equalize the existing difference in significant way and harmonize whole world in creating equitable and just world of eco steward people. When it comes transformation of technology, flexibility should be made available as in the diverse what might be a solution to one place could further invite un-thought problems at other part. Sometime, technology, no matter how good it be, may not be socially accepted or feasible at every corner. So transform of technology with possibilities of ?local change for local adaptation? and monetary support should be guaranteed for the world we want to see. While wondering for the meaning of such aforementioned system, I analogue it with ?Reverse Osmosis? where transformation is being done from richer and technically sound countries to technically backward and poor countries with ?International Treaty and Agreement? being semi-permeable membrane. This is answer to the first question, I still am googling and asking my seniors and experts for the answer of the second question. I am requesting my friend to provide me the details of how her global conversation went. Will surely update on what happened. I am pretty excited to learn. I promise to update answer in upcoming report and also about her global conservation. Stay tuned. I request all the eco readers to put forward their views on this question, let?s see how we all feel on: ?Should Rich Countries pay for the poor countries in Climate Change?? ?Is carbon trade justifiable and feasible?? Green Days Ahead Dear Friends of Mother Earth. Well Well Well, this is how my refreshment and retreat went. HAHA |