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Forest fires scenario repeated controversially

by | 11-07-2016 06:26

Many forest fires broke out in Jijel, Boumerdes, Tizi ouzou, Blida and Tipaza  provinces last friday at the same time and in different areas by 10 p.m.
In Jijel province,a fire broke out in "curiosities caves" forest in Ziama-Mansouriah, another near "Nile" valley between "Sebt" village (in "Chekfa" municipality) and "Bouachir"  village (in "Taher" municipality).
Concerning Boumerdes province, the civil protection mocked more than hundred intervention agents through various secondary units in : Bordj Menaïel, Issers, Zemmouri, Boudouaou, Khemis El Khechna, Boumerdes and Thénia municipalities, and more than 12 fire truck supported by more than 20 other trucks from Algiers and Bouira provinces. In addition to 6 ambulances to evacuate victims. 
In Tizi Ouzou province, various villages and municipalities witnessed 43 fires points like: Tigzirt, Sidi Namane, Azeffoun, Aït Chafâa... Among these fires: 12 tremendous fire, especially in Aït Chafâab (which damaged 30 hectares of cork trees and 3 hectares of bush and 80 beehives )  and Aït Aïssa Mimoun (which damaged three hectares, 50 olive trees and 30 beehives).
in Blida province, The main unit of civil protection and 05 secondary units (60 agents and 10 trucks)  intervened to put out a fire broke out in Sidi Salem (in "Bouarfa" municipality). The fire damaged areas of cork oak trees, jungles, eucalyptus trees.
in Tipaza province, a series of fires broke out in several areas of the province like:  Sidi Amar, Fouka, Cherchell, Kolea, Gouraya and tipaza, these fires damaged 42 hectares of forest areas