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Guest Speaker on ITB Integration 2016

by | 17-06-2016 22:43

Hello guys!

Kyaaaa, sorry for the late post due to my Thesis Deadline which is really tight though. Here I am, eager to share my Activity which was taken place on my Campus, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), 09th June 2016. I was being speaker to inspire sophomore students, for doing their own social movements.

Well, here's my slide anyway, we were discussing about "The Reality of Indonesia and Youth Empathy".


The class theme itself was Inspirational Class based, which had more than 100 sophomore students attend to this class.

Well, the main idea of this class was encouraging their empathy, to be more sensitive with their surroundings, the reality of this Nation -which is really complicated-, and How small things could change the world!

So yeah! I began with a brief explanation about the difference between Sympathy and Empathy. Sympathy is kind of "I feel for you", and Empathy is kind of "I feel with you" or .... "Put yourself in someone's shoes". Well, for me, the difference is really simple, when you had Empathy, you'll try to challenge yourself, and do some ACTION to address your surrounding's issues. Correct me if I wrong (CMIIW)

And what makes it more Interested, Empathy itself is part of our main component of EQ besides Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Internal Motivation, and Social skills. Well, that's why it's really important to improve your Empathy though. Because, we already know, EQ somehow can determine your successful career in the future. Once again, CMIIW, due to I'm not psychologist anyway.

Next! The Reality of Indonesia!


Yups, discussing about our Nation would be so complicated anyway. And I encourage them for "Being the Solution instead of Problems!" Which is, please taking a part to address these Issues. BUT, just don't be overthinking for addressing all of these issues by yourself. This event, is the reason why they are gathered, to be more wise, expand their network, and just don't think that you're better from the others. Everyone has their own job and role to address these Issues.

P.S. Even though you're an Engineer, DO NOT justify yourself for not taking part in Education issues ..... Because, "Why not?!"

So, basically, I was sharing my activities and movements. Being Founder of Youth for Climate Agent to address Climate Change issues, Regional Ambassador of Tunza Eco-Generation to share my ideas and activities to another International Youth, Project leader of Disaster Creative Mapping and Education (DCME), and Volunteer on several Social Movements in Education.

Mostly, I told them about DCME, in which you can see my report here:

There's not really any different between my presentation and these report anyway.

And finally, I gave them several tips about "How to start your own Projects"

How to start your project 1

How to start your project 2

Huoh! For the closing statement, I gave them this quote:
"No Act of Kindness, however small, is ever wasted!" - Aesop
Because, yes it is! Even for a small social project, we could be appreciated in International Levels. And of course, it could address social issues, which has been waited from our local societies!

Thank you!