3R in My Department!by Dewi Retno S | 17-06-2016 23:24 |
3R is an easy way to reduce the volume of solid waste. 3R itself can be done in house scale to city scale. In this article, I want to share some 3R activity in my department! In my student organization, we have a community called KPPL (Kelompok Pecinta dan Pemerhati Lingkungan). One of their programs is TL3M, where every batch in my major take turn to sorting waste in recycle bin. Sure there is specific bin in my campus, but there are some people who still didn't throw their rubbish in correct bin. So we sorting waste based on tetra pack, bottle, can't be composting, and can be composting. Most of bottle which collected will sell, but some of good one will be kept. This bottle thus will be recycling into bottle bin. First, we need the steel or iron to shape the bottle bin. Then we arrange the bottle with some wire and attach it to the steel. For the base and cover, we use some plywood. Don't forget to give hole in the cover! Other recycling activity is to recycle some unused paper collected from student. When I'm still in first year, the freshman will get their turn to help KPPL to recycle those papers. The unused paper will soak in water for a night and then smoothing with blander. The smooth paper porridge will be shape and dry under sunlight. Here is the picture of recycled papers. That's some recycle activity in my campus. Even though it was in small scale, but hopefully will give a big impact! Pictures source: KPPL HMTL FTSP ITS |