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Air Pollution

by Momina Ahsan | 15-04-2023 05:18

Clean the Air, Clear the mind!

Air Pollution bringing havocs to life;
Let it clean, Let Humans Breathe!

There was a time when there used to be lush green life, fairy meadows bringing fresh serenity, cool breeze making humans gleam and happy faces with nourishing minds chirping all around the Earth. In the Stone Age, which is termed as the under developed Era of Human Evolution is marked as the most safest and free of pollution. People used to live a life full of organic vibes and history was marked safe of every pollutant that can bring destructive impacts on the living triad. 

As time passed, life started evolving, and with the development progressions, the one major concern that arose its head was 'AIR POLLUTION'. Authorities, researchers, climatic experts, environmentalists and major institutes started showing their concern as the humans started consuming more fossil fuels and utilizing more carbon footprint in the name of development. Until, Climatic Concern was declared around the globe with the peak of industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution, when humans began burning fossil fuels on a large scale, the levels of air pollution were significantly lower than they are today. Even before industrialization, natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms would have contributed to some level of air pollution. However, the impact of these events on human health and the environment was likely limited due to the lower population density and human activities. 

Earth is unique than any other planet of the Galaxy, specifically our Solar System due to its unique temperature and clime with a balanced ratio of every matter. We reside on a planet that is termed as the MOST FAVOURABLE PLANET due to its suitable and favorable aspects promoting LIFE on EARTH. Earth's climate is relatively stable, with temperature and precipitation patterns that support a wide range of life forms. It protects the planet from harmful radiation and solar winds. It also helps regulate the temperature and provides the necessary gases for life, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Further, the movement of Earth's plates allows for the recycling of nutrients and minerals necessary for life. This process is termed as Plate Tectonics that is dynamic in its nature. 

Further, with the presence of the right ingredients for life, it is bringing impact in the universe by making life thrive. From having the right distance from the sun to opting the exact matter makes it the right fit for  diverse and inclusive life forms. As water is essential for life, and Earth is unique in our solar system for having liquid water on its surface. The presence of water allows for the formation of complex organic molecules that are necessary for life. Moreover, Earth is located at a distance from the sun that allows it to maintain a relatively stable temperature range that is suitable for life.

As the Humans started progressing their generations, evolving with the exploring nature and brought into existence the new forms of digitization, Earths' infrastructure that made its atmosphere the best survival planet started de-balancing. One of the major Imbalance is: Air Pollution - a serious threat on LIVING TRIAD of Earth; Humans, Animals and Environment. With the increasing trend of using automobiles, individual concerns of having any vehicle, more industries and lesser number of forests are aiding the Air Pollution significantly. Ultimately, giving rise to the concerns that are deteriorating our Environment and ultimately impacting Human Survival. 


According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan ranks among the top 10 countries in the world with the worst air quality, and the situation is only getting worse. Out of all the developed countries, Pakistan is like other developing countries trying to stabilize their economy and democratic infrastructure. The major concerns here are far greater than AIR POLLUTION & ITS AWARENESS. That is the reason, with the destabilized economical structure and due to some major factors like imbalanced economical runway, Air Pollution stats are getting worse by every passing day. It is posing a greater threat to the people living here and to the climatic beauty that it possesses. Here is a combination of Human Activities along with the natural factors contributing to the prevalence of Air Pollution in Pakistan:
  • Rapid urbanization: The rapid growth of urban areas in Pakistan has led to an increase in vehicle traffic, industrial activities, and construction, which contribute significantly to air pollution. In Pakistan, there is an urge to move towards urban areas for a better living and more earning opportunities. As more people are shifting to the urban areas, there is a dire need for more houses, more land, more industries and more employment opportunities. This results in cutting down of the forests, rural ecosystem and ultimately, rural areas are embedding with the urbanized infrastructure. 
  • Industrialization: The increase in industrial activities and the use of fossil fuels for energy production have contributed significantly to air pollution in Pakistan. As the population and urbanization is increasing, to combat the employment opportunities, more industrial infrastructure is needed. That is resulting in massive usage of fossil fuels to push industrial infrastructures and ultimately, it is giving rise to Air Pollution. 
  • Inefficient transportation: Inefficient transportation systems in Pakistan, including outdated vehicles and poor traffic management, have also contributed to air pollution. People are following the trends of individual vehicles and it is resulting in extraction of more gases from automobiles into the environment. The exhaust emissions from vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles, contain harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, which are released directly into the air.  Likewise the fuel can evaporate from fuel tanks, especially in hot weather, and contribute to air pollution. The friction between tires and the road and between brake pads and rotors can create small particles that become airborne and contribute to air pollution. Heavy traffic congestion, especially in urban areas, can contribute to air pollution by keeping vehicles idling for long periods, which increases emissions. Moreover, due to having superstitious believes, poverty and background thinking of not getting upgraded,  Older vehicles, as well as those that are not well-maintained, are contributing to Air Pollution by emitting higher levels of pollutants.
  • Agricultural practices: Agricultural practices such as crop burning and the use of fertilizers and pesticides have contributed to air pollution in rural areas of Pakistan.
  • Lack of enforcement of environmental regulations: The lack of enforcement of environmental regulations in Pakistan has allowed industries and other polluting activities to operate without proper controls and monitoring. People tend to opt medical sciences and engineering as a career, that opens less opportunities for environmentalists. Ultimately, due to lack of enforcement of environmental regulations, Pakistan is facing the greater threats of air pollution with no strategic interventions.
  • Natural factors: Natural factors such as dust storms and wildfires also contribute to air pollution in Pakistan. Moreover, latest floods of 2022 also brought a drastic impact in Pakistani community that resulted in more Air Pollution, with no water drainage system, more flooded areas emitting foul gases in the ecosystem and vice versa.
  • Climate change: Climate change is exacerbating air pollution in Pakistan by increasing temperatures and exacerbating extreme weather events such as droughts and heatwaves.


The effects of air pollution on human health are numerous and can be severe. Exposure to polluted air can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. It is estimated that air pollution in Pakistan is responsible for approximately 128,000 deaths per year, making it a major public health issue. People are residing in more populated areas, and living a life within urbanized and industrialized areas, that makes them vulnerable to inhale polluted gases. Industries emit a variety of gases that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Some of the gases that industries emit and their effects are:

  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2): SO2 is emitted by industries that burn fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Exposure to SO2 can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma, and can aggravate existing heart and lung conditions.
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx): NOx is emitted by industries that burn fossil fuels, as well as by transportation sources. Exposure to NOx can cause respiratory problems, such as bronchitis and asthma, and can contribute to the formation of smog.
  • Carbon monoxide (CO): CO is emitted by industries that burn fossil fuels, as well as by transportation sources. Exposure to CO can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea, and can be fatal at high levels.
  • Particulate matter (PM): PM is emitted by industries that burn fossil fuels, as well as by other sources such as dust and construction sites. Exposure to PM can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma and lung cancer, and can contribute to heart disease.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): VOCs are emitted by industries that use solvents and other chemicals. Exposure to VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, as well as headaches and dizziness. 
Moreover, air pollution also has a negative impact on the environment. It contributes to climate change, damages crops, and harms wildlife. In addition, air pollution has an economic cost, as it can lead to increased healthcare costs and decreased productivity. All these factors are bringing deteriorative impacts not only on Human Health and productivity but on the LIVING TRIAD of every type, animals and environment itself too.


To address the problem of air pollution in Pakistan, the government has taken some steps such as:
  • Introducing stricter emissions standards for vehicles and power plants.
  • Promoting renewable energy, and improving waste management practices. 
  • Educating people about the importance of reducing air pollution and providing them with practical solutions can go a long way in improving the air quality in Pakistan.
However, more needs to be done to tackle this issue, and individuals can also play a role by making small changes in their daily lives, such as using public transportation or walking instead of driving.

In conclusion, air pollution is a significant problem in Pakistan that has severe consequences for human health, the environment, and the economy. It is important for both the government and individuals to take action to reduce air pollution and improve the overall air quality in the country. By working together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.