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[MARCH FREE REPORT] Forest is as important to man as food

by Serah Emiade | 28-03-2023 17:09

Forest is an area of land dominated by trees, forests are ecosystems characterized by a dominance of tree cover, they are the predominant terrestrial ecosystem of earth, and are found around the globe.
Forest environment can be divided into two broad categories, which are biotic environment and abiotic environment.

The biotic environment contains living species, whereas the abiotic environment includes inorganic and non-living chemical factors such as soils, water, and atmosphere which influence living organisms.

The influence of the forest in modifying climate under the trees is matter of common experience, air humidity is relatively high under tree cover, however wind speed is reduced in forests, in varying degrees, the forests influence light and solar radiation, air temperature, wind, atmospheric humidity, precipitation, evaporation and transpiration.

By addition of organic matter through the breakdown of leaves and other plant materials, by root penetration, and by activities of other forest-dwelling animals, forests impact the chemical and physical properties of soil. They are  defense mechanism against erosion. Forests have  influences upon environment due to the production of oxygen through photosynthesis, they  plays a major role in reducing various types of pollution such as water, air and noise pollution.

The influence of forest on human society can not be overemphasized, they are key instrumental to the livelihood of man, forests however  influence human society both in positive and negative ways, they provide ecosystem services to humans and serve as tourist attraction, they can also affect people's health, they purify the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, forests also help to keep the earth stable by preventing soil erosion  and act as an important buffer against climate change. A large portion of the world's unique assortment of plants and animals may be found in forests, which also provide critical natural resources including food, medicine, and timber.

Breathing system and air purity: Forests pump out oxygen that human breathe in for survival and absorb the carbon dioxide that humans exhale, trees require carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis and then give us the byproduct of this process, oxygen, however air is been filtered by the tree and returned to the atmosphere, which effects air purity

Forests help in preventing flood : Forests are instrumental to regulating flood, tree roots are key allies in heavy rain, especially for low-lying areas like river plains. By reducing the rate of flow, they assist the ground in absorbing more of a flash flood, minimizing soil loss and property damage.

Forest block wind : Forest prevent wind outbreak, they hold the tenacity at which the wind comes, windbreaks are one of the most essential functions of trees and are key in reducing storm-related and strong wind-related damages to our homes.

Forests control water pollution: Forests reduce pollution in water and can hold top soil in place, thereby reducing the sediments and nutrients as a pollutant to water resources in the following ways: Erosion control and watershed protection, trees use in conservation practices reduce water cause soil erosion by intercepting rainfall, holding soil with their roots, and increasing water absorption through addition of organic matter. 'thus trees are more attractive than mechanical water erosion control devices.

Forests are as important to man as food, there usefulness cannot be underestimated, they contribute immensely to the livelihood of humanity, a community that have forest can be rest assured that their community is safe from wind outbreak, water pollution, flood, erosion,  air pollution. Forests are not only streamlined to the usefulness of  humanity alone, it is in the merit of both biotic and abiotic( living and non living). Forests are instrumental to  modification of physical and chemical properties of soil through addition of organic matter, decomposition of leaves and other plant parts, forests influence light and solar radiation, air temperature, wind, atmospheric humidity, precipitation, evaporation and transpiration, hence, it is however needed that premium should be placed on forestry.