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by IMMANUEL MWENDWA KIILU | 23-03-2023 04:32

The Commonwealth Suitable Energy Transition (CSET) Agenda allows room for member countries to work conjunctively in fast-tracking an inclusive, just, and equitable transition to low-carbon energy systems across the commonwealth. In the urbanized world we live in today, energy plays a key role in global economic growth as it fast tracks all areas of development.

Energy transition refers to the global energy sector¡¯s shift from the use of fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption, which include oil, natural gas, and coal to renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar and lithium-ion batteries. This transition stems from the excessive burning of fossils that resulted in the climate changes experienced in the world. Water bodies are drying up, the skies choking with smoke, and new diseases such as skin conditions are coming up drastically as a result of the energy changes. The gravest aftermath of these has been the devastating issue of climate change, an issue that has caused massive havoc and is extrapolating in many countries. David Attenborough, in his wise words once said, ¡°There is no question that climate change is happening, the only arguable part is what part humans are playing in it.¡± The negative perspective of this is that through climate change, humans are suffering much harm leading to abject lack and utmost poverty, a situation that results in shifting of normal lifestyles of the inhabitants of a specific nation to sustain and accommodate the existing changes, which many at times are not their fault.

The transition from the use of fossil-based systems of energy production to renewable sources results from the increasing issue of climate change. For instance, the coal used for electricity results in the release of various environmentally harmful gases that contribute to the continuous increase of surface temperatures on earth and eventually cause climate change. This calls for a shift in the way energy is harnessed and used in different development aspects. As the inhabitants of the world and dependents benefiting from Mother Nature, we require the transition to renewable energy for the betterment of our lives and the planet at large. In matters pertaining to climate justice, this transition to the use of renewable energy will curb the climate change crisis by cutting down the number of greenhouse emissions, consequently, improving the health of the human existence and the environment eventually, by decreasing air and water pollution, leading to sustainable economic development. With the notion of a healthy nation is a growing nation, we need to embody the working towards the transition itself to control the impacts of the existing climate change on people and nature is a wholesome choice that involves many different entities, involving communities, the government, and other different businesses because the unison in that helps in achieving climate justice at a higher rate. Climate change is majorly evident in greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise, ocean heat, and acidification.

As discussed in different world programs, the only way to deal with the crisis is to end the over- reliance on energy generated from fossil fuels as they are the main cause of climate change. The introduction of renewable energy technologies, like wind and solar energy, is cheaper and reduces the chances of the effective aftermath of climate change. In taking part in the transition towards renewable energy, each entity and person has to take charge to create a change in the revolution. Government agencies and their counterparts are driving towards succeeding in changing the use of fossil fuels to generate energy used in different corporate sectors. In the revolution to renewable energy, the people themselves have to take part, climate activists have been at the forefront of challenging fossil fuel companies and are sending a message that they will be held accountable for their actions as it brings about grave environmental impacts that endanger different species on earth. This has forced major companies dealing in fossil fuels and conversion of fossils to energy to be on their feet in terms of accountability. This work evidently should not only be left to the activists, the young people should also cover large ground in sending word that they are for the revolution towards climate justice and an equitable energy transformation. The youth are capable as they have great minds with great potential to connect, network, and come up with ideas that will see to a better world free of excessive use of fossil fuels. Forums have been put in place to bring great minds to act in hope that better equitable ways will be used to shift from non-renewable to renewable sources of energy, thus bringing about an insightful impact.


The youth are at the forefront in channeling the transition to renewable energy and they play a major role in accomplishing the same. In terms of networking and connectivity, the youth can set up forums to discuss ways in which they can shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Two minds are greater than one, as they say, therefore, the youth should come together to discuss and come up with ways on how renewable sources of energy can be used in generating different forms of energy. There exists a dozen of smart minds out there in the world that can develop ways to harness renewable sources of energy and create sustainable energy that cares for climate justice and protects the planet at large. The issue at hand is using the existing resources and transforming them in a way they can be used for our benefit and eventually provide jobs for the youth in return. In terms of trying to evolve and come up with new ideas in forums and meetings as the youth of growing nations, it builds a platform for more youth to be involved in pushing forward for the needed change, this consequently enables the youth to be employed as they take part in different areas of science and innovation. In the fight to find solutions through the youth, it acts as a blessing in disguise as it eventually does away with the stagnating issue of unemployment. The youths working for the planet and energy transition to equitable renewable energy has a great reward from Mother Nature itself.

In discussing the ways to move forward and carrying out successful energy transitions, using social media as a tool to convey the message and educating the entire world on the importance of embracing renewable energy other than the burning of fossils. An educated nation is an empowered nation and the youth have the tools and the voice to speak up as they are the future of the world. It is projected that by 2030, more than half the population in the world will be made up of people under the age of 35, clearly showing that the youth will be the stakeholders at that time and if they don¡¯t project their voice as early as now, there shall be no nations to live conveniently in. through this communication, the youth can reach different governments of different states and push for a change in terms of the education sector.

The young students in schools should have lessons that engage them in issues concerning climate justice and the way they should transition from non-renewable sources of energy to renewable sources of energy to sustain the required climate change that is suitable for the required development of all nations. The schools should also embrace the e-mobility culture in their curriculum as it teaches the younger generation to accept and involve themselves in renewable energy by learning the technical bit about revolution and the manufacturing of automobiles that no longer depend on the burning of fuel to run which eventually causes fumes and emissions that in turn pollute the air and amount to climate changes. The culture to understand electric cars that do not pollute the air through e-mobility is genuinely one of the best ways that the youth at a young age can learn how to come up with new ways to manufacture products that corporates can replace fossil fuels. This will ensure tranche opposition from non-renewable energy to achieving the energy agenda in totality. This also, through the youth¡¯s intervention will enable there to be many start-ups that seek to embody renewable energy which shall in turn create more job opportunities for the youth.

Ultimately, the youth have a voice and a platform to channel their views and take part in the energy revolution as we take care of Mother Nature by transitioning to the renewable energy agenda. The youth are in control and can channel their views and ideas for they are brilliant and the nation thrives on the ability of their youths. They should take charge. Pearl S. Buck once said, ¡°The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.¡± This should drive us to achieve the equitable energy transition agenda as able youth, it is our calling, our mandate. Let¡¯s take action!

Goal Number 7: Affordable and Clean Energy


Sustainable energy is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development