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(MARCH THEME REPORT) Wildlife Preservation

by Sandrine Yaah | 07-03-2023 06:32

Wildlife is one of the components of the ecosystem that has been decreasing at an exponential rate in recent decades, . The decrease in wildlife population both fauna and flora, without limiting other factors has increase in human population which is directly proportional to Deforestation/habitats lost, over exploitation, pollution, and climate change as it biggest driver. This Leaves the Present generation in a situation where if actions taken against these lost are not multipled, a time is fast approaching when we will not be able to preserve wildlife and save nature.
Finding a balance between wildlife preservation and continuously increasing human population will always be possible if we as humans with government and institutions are dedicated enough to living a conscious lifestyle where the consequences of our actions on non human component of the ecosystem is taken in to account when deciding what to do and what not to do.
 Alot of policies, laws, agreements and the list goes on have been put in place to enable wildlife preservation but questions of how strong enough are they, keeping popping up as it implementation is far form reality. If that is not the case, why do we keep having waste disposed in water bodies, hunting in protected forest zones and excess deforestation with no replacement. This is evident that more needs to be done if government policies and other regulations are failing, what can we do to preserve wildlife;
- The Government should put in place stronger and more adaptable laws and policies. 
- The innovation of more smart technologies ( technologies that uses less materials, less energy and create less pollution). 
 - The development of green cities, 
- The establishment of more wildlife sanctuaries. 
- Etc 
It is no doubt that the energy development sector brings froth alot of threats to the preservation of wildlife and it environment. From the construction of hydropower dams which causes destruction to biodiversity through deforestation, displacement, water diversion to the spilling of fossil fuels during it extraction, transportation and usage which is harmful to both the Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem not forgetting the gases generated that is being sent to the atmosphere, not excluding the effect of oceans tides and waves energy generation and it not only disrupt movement patterns for aquatic organism but also damage marine life etc. Effective wildlife preservation will only be possible when energy development is not only sustainable or environmentally friendly but also wildlife friendly.