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by Godfred Owusu | 10-03-2023 04:26

Wildlife is organisms living in natural environment. They lived in an area without man interference. Loss of one species will cause damage on other species and can affect it for a long and also do not promote ecological balance. World population is increasing rapidly which has direct impact on the wildlife. Human need natural resource to survive which consist of wildlife. Deforestation by human beings to set up construction structures causes wildlife extinction.
Of this, we have to preserve or conserve our wildlife. Wildlife conservation is the act/ practices puts in place to protect Plants and animal species and their habitat for current and future generation to avoid extinction. 
Wildlife promotes the survival of these species, and to create environmental awareness/educate people on living sustainability with other species. 

Main motive behind wildlife conservation is to protect plants and animals' species as human/World population is growing and encroaches on the available limited resources. 

In our ecosystem, wildlife is very essential. They stabilize the environment by controlling insects, soil erosion and absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by human in the atmosphere and provide oxygen or fresh air in the atmosphere by plants. They help in dispersal of seeds and pollination of flowers. They also maintain ecological balance as our population increases. 

Wildlife also has medical properties which helps to improve human health or use to cure diseases. In the olden days/pre-colonial era, herbs produce by some plants and animals' skins were used to cure disease which improve the healthier life of people. Also, in this 21st Century, most of our processed medicine has plants/herbs properties in it.
Wildlife also serves as valuable resource for tourism. Example: refuges which also generate revenue to improve economic and environmental sustainability. 

Conservation of Wildlife is the practices use to protect plants and animals for future use. These practices can be done through different ways/means.
Conservation through legislation. Wildlife can be protected through legislation/ laws set by the government and legislative bodies to protect/ preserve wildlife on the environment and to ensure equality before the law. This can also help protect our refuge.
43rd Act of parliament of republic of Ghana.
Entitled: The wild animal preservation Act, 1961
AN ACT to consolidate and amend the law relating to wild animals, birds and fish and to continue the observance of the convention signed at London on the nineteenth day of May 1900

Mass education is another important means of preserving the wildlife. Both formal and informal education will help to create environmental awareness to people. Also, Institutions that offer environmental related subjects such as climate studies, environmental studies, Human Settlement Planning and many more can organize environmental awareness program to educate people on how human activities has an impact on the animal species and biodiversity through conferences, television, radio stations, videos and records.

In conclusion, wildlife plays a vital role in our ecosystem. They serve as a source of food, herbal medicine, tourist resource, ecological balance and many more, but man intervention/ population increase has negative impact on them. In this case, there is a need for us to preserve wildlife for current and future generation.