March Theme Report | Wildlife Preservationby Aysara Nuratdinova | 06-03-2023 23:01 |
![]() One of the reasons why wildlife preservation is important is an ecosystem. Every living thing on Earth is connected to every other life form. Any type of organism, whether a lion or a person, contributes significantly to the environment. The goal of wildlife conservation is to preserve this ecosystem of interconnected species. For example, if all the lions are killed, the number of herbivores will rise. The ecosystem will lose its balance as a result. In Uzbekistan, topic of wildlife preservation especially extinction of animal matters a lot. My hometown Karakalpakstan, Kungrad is a habitat for the oddest and oldest antelope Saiga which is unfortunately being endangered nowadays. The saiga is predominantly killed for its horns, which are used in traditional medicine in some Asian countries. Therefore several countries are banning the use of any saiga products, including horns and meat. Every year, researchers from Saiga Conservation visit local schools and organize an educational event for schoolchildren to increase awareness about importance of wildlife and prevent any ways of hunting them. Let¡¯s strive to fight against hunting and trade of wild animals and keep the wildlife sustainable to our next generations! |