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Sustainable Shopping

by Vani Miglani | 17-02-2023 15:09

Sustainable Shopping

¡°Fashion Can Be a Universal Player In Protecting The Planet¡± –

                                   Simone Cipriani, founder, Ethical Fashion Initiative


Shopping – an opportunity for us to indulge, buy and please ourselves. Often, we indulge in spending mindlessly on products we might not even need.  It is recognize that everything we buy has a health, environmental and social impact. Shopping sustainably means doing so in a way that has less of an adverse effect on the environment. This encourages one to shop carefully and purchase durable goods.


¡¤       It is a common misconception that eco-conscious options are more expensive than their traditional counterparts. While many of us are often willing to take this eco-friendly road, we remain uncertain about how to proceed. Let¡¯s look at a few ways an individual can shop sustainably –

1.     Choose natural fibres over synthetic fibres:

Carbon emissions from the production of synthetic fibres like polyester and nylon are significantly higher than those from the production of natural fibres. Even conventionally produced cotton uses more water and energy to produce than organic cotton and necessitates the extensive use of harmful pesticides. However, wearing clothing made from organically grown plants can significantly lessen one's environmental impact.


2.     Quality over cheap
While investing in high-quality clothing may initially cost more, its durability more than makes up for this. It's also important to remember that cheap clothing has a very high environmental cost since the majority of it is disposed of in landfills. Therefore, invest in a smaller number of well-made, long-lasting items that will last for several seasons rather than a large number of cheaply made ones


3.     Utilizing Refillable Bottles

Numerous personal hygiene products are frequently packaged in plastic bottles that end up in the trash when they are used up. Purchasing these goods in bulk along with refillable containers helps reduce some of this plastic waste. Finding a nearby store with a refilling station is an additional choice. By purchasing shampoo and conditioner bars rather than shampoo and conditioner in plastic bottles, shoppers can further reduce this waste.


4.     Say No to Impulse Buying

¡¤       Before buying any product, ask yourself these questions:

¡¤       Do I really need this?

¡¤       Do I have something similar at home?

¡¤       Can I wait to buy this at a later date?