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by IMMANUEL MWENDWA KIILU | 25-01-2023 22:29

Waste Management is arising as a major problem in almost all countries. In order to have a healthy life and a clean environment, managing of waste materials is very important. Imparting knowledge on waste management is the need of the hour. So, what is meant by waste management?

Waste Management refers to the process of removing waste and this includes each and every processes right from the collection of waste materials, transporting it, treating them and its disposal. Key factors such as increase in population, industrialization, urbanization etc., add to the excess generation of wastes. The percentage of waste generated is high compared to the percentage of disposal. Although waste management is a global issue, the worst affected are the developing countries.


Methods of Waste Management:

There are different types of waste produced such as industrial waste, agricultural waste, house hold waste, and waste from health care centers, organic waste and toxic wastes. These wastes are also in different forms such as solid, liquid and gas. The method of waste management differs according to the type of waste materials.

In modern methods of waste management, importance is given not only to clear waste but to convert them into useful substances.

Some of the common methods of clearing waste are stated below:

i. The most common method of disposing waste is throwing them in landfills which is then buried. This is one of the oldest techniques and this method helps in the removal of bad odor. But many countries are currently reconsidering this method as landfills are found to increase global warming.

ii. Recycling is one of the best method for waste management. In this process, waste materials are recycled and energy resources like fuel, electricity etc., are generated.

iii. Composting is another process where waste materials are turned into useful manures. This method is also called the bio-degradation process where the kitchen waste and remains of plants and trees are again converted into manure for plants. The fertility of soil is improved by this process.

iv. Organic waste materials are decomposed by two methods namely Gasification and Pyrolysis. In the Gasification process of waste management, waste materials are exposed to low amount of oxygen and high temperature and in Pyrolysis method no oxygen is used.

v. Non-recyclable waste materials are also converted into fuel, heat or electricity.

Apart from all the above methods, there is one simple method that can be practiced by everyone to reduce waste. Yes, the best way to reduce waste is to create less waste.

Why Waste Management is Important?

Waste management is very important to preserve the health of living beings and also to create a strong environment for the future generation.

Waste Management helps in reducing pollution and by adapting to efficient waste management techniques, emission of gases like Carbon dioxide and Methane from wastes can be reduced to a large extent.

Waste Management helps in the prevention of contagious diseases.

We saw that recycling is a method of waste management and it has a lot of benefits. When products are recycled, there is no need to produce new products which saves raw materials. The energy consumption will also be much less.

Waste Management is a big industry as it contains various stages and procedures. Human resources are required in large numbers at every stage. Thus waste management as an industry creates several job opportunities. People with less education and skilled labor can also be utilized in high number in this sector.

In summary, Waste management is insisted so much because our planet Earth has already started facing the consequences of dumping tons of garbage. The governments and the local civic bodies must create new strategies to reduce waste and should also create awareness among people on the benefits of using eco-friendly products.