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How to Travel as a College Student

by Paisley Hansen | 01-01-2023 12:24

When you start college, you find yourself immersed in an entirely new world of opportunities. The prospect of traveling the world before the end of your years as a student is now a reality and it can be overwhelming to know where to start.There are many ways to travel, from doing it alone to going with friends and family to traveling solo. Some students begin their journey as a way to get away from home for the summer or for college credit; some travels are spur-of-the-moment trips after a friend convinces them that they can see the world; some make an effort to pack their bags and take off at the beginning of their summer break, while some simply make plans. The main point is that you should realize that traveling will not be an easy process but if you're serious enough and put forth the necessary effort, then you'll find yourself having an unforgettable experience.

1. Start early

Planning ahead is the key to any good adventure. Start by choosing your destination: Will you travel within the United States or overseas? Where do you want to go? How much time do you have available? If you're doing it for school, how much credit will be given for your trip? Next, consider means of transportation: Will you be driving a car or taking public transportation or flying somewhere? Once you have determined where and how long, start doing some research. Researching will help you gain a broader understanding of the area that you're going to visit, thereby allowing yourself to make better choices when it comes time to book your flight and lodging. Complete a college readiness checklist in order to make sure that you are mentally and physically prepared for the journey.

2. Be realistic about your budget

To be successful in attending school, you need to be able to be focused on your academic obligations at home. During the first year of school, this may require that you balance your time between student life, extracurricular activities and studying for exams. It is unrealistic to expect yourself to attend every club activity as well as study for tests when traveling abroad or within Canada, so prepare yourself accordingly. Private student loans should be taken into consideration. Traveling within the United States will be a lot more affordable than traveling overseas. Try to find a way to cut down on your travel costs by doing your homework regarding cheap flight prices and looking for inexpensive accommodations.

3. Go with the flow

Traveling is synonymous with having a great time but you wouldn't want to arrive at your destination and regret not taking advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves to you, would you? There are times when it may seem that life is conspiring against you, but if you're open-minded enough, then you'll learn from both your mistakes and from the encounters that present themselves at every turn. If you find yourself falling behind, taking advantage of breaks in your schedule to stick around and sight-see will allow you to get into a rhythm and comprehend the culture a little better.

4. Keep up with friends abroad

Building up relationships with people from other countries will help you feel more comfortable while traveling abroad. Realizing that they may not know much about your home country or even any Americans at all will help you to see life from another perspective, which may result in the discovery of new opportunities that only someone unfamiliar would be able to notice.