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How To Improve Office Efficiency

by Paisley Hansen | 01-01-2023 12:27

Whether you work from a home office or have your own space in a shared office, you'll want to make your workspace as efficient as possible so that you can get things done easily and quickly. There are many ways to streamline your office environment and promote efficiency. Read on to learn about some of them.

Improve Your Systems

Your first step to improving your office efficiency is improving your systems. This could refer to everything from your computer networks to your electricity to your desk setup. In terms of your computers, make sure that you have a system that is up-to-date or at least working smoothly. Computer troubles can be a major source of frustration, and they will happen at times. But you can avoid some issues by maintaining your machines and calling in expert help at the first signs of trouble.

You might not think much about your electrical system, at least until the lights go out and work grinds to a halt. If this becomes a problem, have an electrician inspect and upgrade your system, perhaps installing new breakers or a new busway so that your electricity flows smoothly and you can get your work done without power interruptions.

Even your desk setup can improve your efficiency. If your desk is too small, for instance, it might be overflowing, and you have to spend too much time trying to find things (and pick things up off the floor). Invest in a desk and chair that are comfortable and that help you work efficiently.

Think Organization

Proper organization can also contribute greatly to office efficiency. Make sure that you have enough storage to hold all your office supplies and files neatly. Label shelves, boxes and cabinets so that everything has its place and so that you can find what you need with little effort.

Take time to organize your life along with your office. Purchase a planner app for your phone or a paper planner, and get in the habit of using it. You should be recording your appointments on a calendar, making a daily (and weekly and monthly and long-term) to-do list and consulting both of these frequently throughout the day. If you try this for a while, you might find that you get more done and forget fewer tasks.

Work on Your Workflow

Of course, there may be many times when you are simply swamped at work. In that case, your efficiency may well depend upon your workflow. Learn how to prioritize. Identify what needs to be done first and what can wait, what is mandatory and what is merely preferable. Then work accordingly. You might not check off every item on your list, but what must be accomplished will usually get done if you make prioritization a priority.

Communicate Well

Efficiency requires good communication, too. If, for instance, you're assigned a task and have no idea how to do it, you'll simply be frustrated unless you ask questions. If you're a member of a team, then communication is even more important. Make sure that everyone on your team understands expectations, deadlines and tasks, and point out anything that isn't clear. As you work through a project, stay in touch with team members by email or text or even phone calls if in-person meetings are rare. Check to see how everyone is progressing and what still needs to be done. You may have to appoint yourself as unofficial communication coordinator, but your team members will likely appreciate the extra motivation, and even if they don't, you'll be sure your efficiency doesn't suffer.

Take a Break

Finally, sometimes the best way to be efficient is actually to take a break. Burnout is real, and it can sap you of energy and efficiency. When you start to feel that, get out of the office for a while. Even if you only take a walk around the block to clear your head, that would help. But you might also claim a whole afternoon or day for yourself.

Efficiency at work is important when you have a lot to do. So follow some of these tips to improve your office efficiency.