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9 Tips When Moving

by Paisley Hansen | 28-10-2022 04:09

Moving can be incredibly stressful, especially if you have to move a lot of things and you are moving a long way from where you currently live. More stress is added if this is your first time moving. Keep reading for nine tips when moving.

Get Rid of Everything You Do Not Need

It is crazy how much stuff you accumulate after living in one place for so long, and you may not know how much stuff you have until you start getting ready to pack. Do not be afraid to get rid of things you do not need. If you have way too much stuff to get rid of on your own, get help from friends, family members, or a junk removal service. The last thing you want to do is bring unnecessary things into your house, and being disciplined in cutting down your stuff will make moving so much easier, as well as make your home feel bigger.

Hunt Down Packing Supplies

If you are finding yourself short of packing supplies, try hunting down everything you need a month before your moving day and having it all ready within a week after you start your search. If you have gas stations or stores close by, try going to each business and asking if they have any boxes to spare. You will more than likely find that they have a ton of them, and you will have your packing materials ready in no time.

Pack Everything Carefully

Some things will need more care than others when you start packing up your belongings. If you have a lot of fragile things, each one needs to be wrapped in news paper or bubble wrap and then packed in tight enough so they do not move. If you have to take some of your furniture apart, make sure to pack everything together, including a bag full of the screws, nuts and bolts so it is harder to lose them. Pack like with like, and try not to go over 40 pounds for a single box. If you are moving far away and need to move things by freight, you will need to put your boxes together on a pallet and wrap them so nothing gets lost in transit and your boxes do not get scattered. When packing electronics, make sure you include all of the cables with them. If you do not have the boxes that the electronics originally came in, take great care in packing them and do not be afraid to put as much padding as you can fit in there to protect the screen.

Labels Are Your Best Friend

Before you tape up your boxes and close your bins, make sure you have a permanent marker handy so you can label those boxes and bins. An optional additional investment would be a roll of 'Fragile' stickers so you can see which boxes you need to handle with more care at a glance. This way, you know what is in each box and you will have an easier time of making sure that nothing gets broken.

Have a Folder With All Necessary Documents

There are a lot of important documents that you will need to keep on hand while you are going through the moving process. Some of these documents should include your former lease, you new lease, you most recent utility payments for your old place and new place, as well as any other records associated with your old and new home or records that you just want to keep on hand so you can make sure they do not get lost. It is recommended that you keep the documents in an expandable folder, as you do not want your documents falling out.

Consider What Kind of Truck You Need

While it is not a good idea to rent a truck for a move that takes you across the country or overseas, a 1/2 ton truck rental is a lifesaver when it comes to more local moving situations. This way, you do not necessarily have to rent a larger moving van and you can haul everything you need to haul to your new home. However, if you want something more enclosed, or you do not want to make multiple trips, look into getting a moving truck or hiring a moving service if you do not want to load the truck yourself. Keep in mind that different trucks have different weight limits, so if you are going with a rental, make sure you know what you need so your rental does not malfunction. In addition, whatever kind of rental you might go with, make sure it has a ramp to make the loading and unloading processes easier.

Know What You Need to Keep Open

Nobody likes having no idea where any of their essentials are when they move, and it is too exhausting to try unpacking everything just to find those essentials at the end of moving day. Keep a box or two open and place any essentials you will need for the next few days in those boxes. Some recommended ideas would be some non-perishable food, your toiletries, some cooking utensils, some cleaning supplies and a tool kit. This way, you can clean anything that you feel is too dirty, cook yourself a decent meal, and assemble any furniture that you had to dismantle when you were packing, all without much of a fuss.

Clean the Old Place After You Have Completely Moved Out

As a courtesy to future residents, and your landlord if you are moving out of a rental, it is a good idea to clean your old place once you have everything moved out. If you have been renting the place, and you have been thorough in your cleaning, there is a good chance that you will get most or all of your security deposit back, as long as nothing was broken or damaged. If you owned the place you are moving out of, it is still a good idea to clean the place, as it shows that you care about the place and it will make it more desirable to potential buyers or renters.

Have Utilities Set Up Before You Move In

Everyone needs power and water at the very least so their home is livable. Before you move in, make sure that you have created an account with the water and power companies, and that you water and power start before you move in so you do not have to worry about the lights or whether you have running water. If you have questions about trash, get those answered beforehand so you know whether there is a pickup service or whether you have to take your trash to the dump on a regular basis. If you use internet, make sure that you can get service from your current provider or shop around for local providers before you set foot in your new home.

Moving can be incredibly stressful, but a lot of that stress can be taken off with the right amount of preparation. Keep this article in mind, and the next time you move, try using some of these tips to ease the moving process.