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Using Exercise To Treat Depression

by Paisley Hansen | 25-10-2022 09:37

Mental and physical health go hand in hand. When one aspect of your well-being is thriving, the other will follow. As such, many people use physical exercise to treat their depression symptoms. While there's no cure for depression, increasing your activity level and bettering your physical health can reduce the symptoms you experience. If you're new to exercise or aren't sure how to use it to treat your depression, here are a few tips to help.

Find a Program

The first step to using exercise to treat your depression is to find a program that works for you. Everyone is unique. Both your mental illness and your fitness level are different from the person sitting next to you. What works for someone else may not work for you, and vice versa. Rather than getting burned out and giving up, find an exercise program that you enjoy. For instance, if you hate cardio, opt for something that doesn't incorporate it much. If you prefer playing sports, join a local league. Whatever movement you enjoy, find a program that suits you.

Along those lines, you should also find a nutritional program that works. When you eat inflammatory foods, your body can't produce as much dopamine and serotonin. The slowed production of these neurotransmitters can increase the symptoms of your mental illness. By eating healthier foods, you can give your body a head start on fighting depression. Even something as simple as drinking greens powder in the morning can give you the nutrients you need and help your body produce more mental illness-fighting neurotransmitters.

Enlist Some Support

The second step to using exercise to treat your depression is to enlist some support. With any form of mental illness treatment, it's hard to do it alone. When you're trying to heal yourself and make positive changes independently, it's easy to get burned out and quit without support. The same goes for working out. When you have a partner or some gym buddies, it's far easier to stay motivated and keep showing up day after day.

So how do you get support from those around you? Your first move should be to open up to the people you want as your support system. Whether you want your family or some friends backing you up, it'll be hard to garner help without a measure of honesty. If you don't feel comfortable opening up about your mental illness, you can phrase your interest in fitness as just a means to better overall health. After you speak honestly, you can ask your potential supporters to help motivate you and keep you accountable. With the support of people around you, you'll be more likely to succeed in your health journey.

Listen To Professionals

The final step in using exercise to treat your depression is to listen to professionals. Depending on the severity of your mental illness, you may be on medications or seeking therapy. Just because you're working out and using holistic means to treat your condition doesn't mean you should stop medical treatment. If your doctor thinks you should remain on medication, it's vital to continue taking those meds while you work to improve your symptoms through fitness.

Down the line, you may see enough improvement and symptom reduction that you can lower your dose or stop taking meds completely. If that's the case, listen to your medical professionals for dosage and weaning information. By working hand-in-hand with your doctors while you improve your fitness, you can reduce your depression symptoms and live a wholesome life.

In summary, exercise is a great tool for treating depression. With the support of your doctors and the loved ones around you, you can mitigate your worst symptoms and enjoy high-quality life.