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by Momina Ahsan | 23-10-2022 04:20

The universe abounds in jewels, gems, gold, and other precious metals. Man has descended from the firmament to discover the secret treasures of nature. To do so, he digs into the depth of Earth, explores the bottom of seas, crosses the trackless deserts, and mounts the mighty mountains. Life is like a steady struggle and fierce fight for him. Man must not be exhausted by the journey of his life and must know that those who sweat blood to create out of a wilderness are bound to succeed.

Hannah Arendt, a German-born U.S philosopher and historian stated: ¡°For mortals, the easy life of gods would be a lifeless one¡±

            In the dungeon of drab lives, with procession all around and dishevelled life systems, we are on the verge of destruction. With the chunk of digital revolution and the amalgamation of modernism with traditionalism, we are somehow stuck in realities. Sometimes, in the words of Ophelia, we look like ¡°have been loosed out of the hell to speak of horrors¡± and in the parallel universe, the facilities depict the ¡°tranquility oasis, making everything smooth like the bed of roses.¡± From the start of humankind, it is the nature of Nations, to grow, glow and create impact in the life. In the pandemonium of life, where the tumult and turmoil made the man so immersed in his life, that he finds no time to ponder over the reality. Their life has become flat and monotonous, where they grasps what they finds , without knowing the truth. This made them somehow impassive, and it seems like these situations lead to change the humans. The human that was sent to the the Ambassador of peace has now put it¡¯s nose to find security for it¡¯s own niches. To assert the history of security, race to be the best and survival of fittest describes the ways to bring conflicts, wars and nuclear fights between nations. In the emerging era of digital technology, where covid19 brought the impacts of hunger, unemployment and surgical war conflicts between the nations, the thing that is blossoming like the aggressive flourishing Water Hemlocks (Socrates) is the emergence of new technology. While stuck in the rooms and confined to stay in the beds for more than 2 years of covid¡¯19, the blessing and curse happened to us simultaneously - that is the aggressive quadrupled development in technology. In the run of pandemonium, we have come across many revolutions, discovered many entities, and conquered many stages of life. The world that is today running behind chaos and working from dawn to dusk was never thought like this. The start of human evolution was from covering bodies with leaves and this journey led to designing wheels, screws, and tools to keep himself safe. This evolution and the dignity of work kept moving until the digital revolution came. The revolution that turned the history of man and brought the globe on the verge of its single click. This wasn¡¯t possible without the power and immutability. The human that once landed on the ground without any cloth on the body or place to live, is now evolved to such extent to create astonishing way outs of technology, leading him to land on mars to landing in the virtual realities - Metaverse.          

Now, the question arises, what is Metaverse?

Meta is equal to Creative, away and Wild


The term metaverse can be traced back to Neal Stephenson and his dystopian cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. The novel was released in 1992, and it¡¯s considered a canon of the genre, along with William Gibson¡¯s Neuromancer, which describes a virtual reality dataspace called the matrix. The metaverse in Snow Crash is a 3D virtual reality space accessed through personal terminals and virtual reality goggles that have a lot in common with the Oculus Quest and other VR headsets. This 3D space appears to its users as an urban environment created along a single hundred-meter-wide road, the Street.

           On the earth, where man opened the new doors of success, is working continuously to create the miracles from ashes. Where man built the palaces of technology from the sand, used once to build the sand castles. There was a time when men used to think whether he could fly or not, when he used to get stunned by seeing the micro-organisms walking on the earth. When windows were just a hole in the wall for air to reduce the suffocation, when mouse was just a animal named rat, when apple was just a fruit and blackberry used to eat. Then, the time passed ,era changed, man opened the new doors of historic miracles. Ever since the covid¡¯19 prevailed in the universe and created a mass havoc, turning into pandemic, the human community started struggling to give an infrastructure that can satiate the thirst of adventures, moving out like the usual humdrum and infiltrate the life from the toxicity of being stuck in one place. The ideology created an emphasis on long lost concept of metaverse - creation of virtual realities to survive. As the digging of concept took place, things were restructured to make the businesses run with strong foundation of virtual existence and the expansion led to creation of 3D VR rooms, building virtual meeting spaces, creation of virtual realities and much more. From the professional to the aesthetic sense, it started ruling the community & aggressively intrigued the Nations. As per Venture capitalist Matthew Ball:

¡°The metaverse is a massively scaled and interoperable network of real-time rendered 3D virtual worlds which can be experienced synchronously and persistently by an effectively unlimited number of users with an individual sense of presence, and with continuity of data, such as identity, history, entitlements, objects, communications, and payments." 

    The metaverse will be driven by diverse forms of technology such as cloud infrastructure, software tools, platforms, applications, user-generated content, and hardware. In addition to the technical requirements, the metaverse will include various user experiences including, but not limited to, entertainment, gaming, commerce, social interactions, education, and research. The concept was first implemented on zoom meeting rooms, as the simplest example of creation of virtual realities and dug to the whole massive universe that will exist parallel to earth, making us escape from realities and land to the fantasy of our ideologies. The concept is to make another universe stand parallel to the earth, but in VR that will provide a chance to humans escape from their tiresome routines and find the luxury of their fantasy for a little time. On the other hand, it might be used for educational and research purposes, making the human beings discover the ways to eternity. There are negotiations going on to create such a hybrid form of VR that humans existence in two places simultaneously will occur in a way that will astonish the minds and open doors to new vista¡¯s of life. Mark Zukerberg converted the name of Facebook to Meta on the ideology that we are transforming from photos, videos to creation of virtual realities to find ecstasy in thinking and to bring sustainability in technology. As for the advantages are concerned, there is a dire need to segregate the technological aspects that can deteriorate human mind and also open the ways to flourishing tranquility.

  Metaverse would be the second life, apart from the one existing in reality and synchronized by the Q-waves of the universe. While at one side it will help the people relax from their tiring routines, anxiety, sorrows or take a break from discomforts for a while, it can bring toxicity by the excessive usage. As the excess of everything is bad, same is the case with virtual realities. When one tries to escape from realities, it might land somewhere in the toxic barren lands of fantasy, which starts running in the veins like Copperas, making us suffocate slowly and die lingering. As per the US stats, 19.1% of the adults are suffering from anxiety, which will be enchanted by the idea of landing into VR . Thus, the slow poisoning of virtual escapes might lead to explosion of human brain, making it suffer with bitterness of fantasy and landing into valley of death. In the meantime, technology might catch some kind of error, making human brains suffer with the evil and stuck without anyone¡¯s noticing. Furthermore, it can act like morphine or nicotine, that will instigate the use and make the people addicted. Thus, people would rely on fantasy and the bitterness of reality might pinch them too hard to survive.

Last but not the least, nothing is perfect in the world. Where there is brightness, evil persists somehow and there is a dire need to emphasize on considering both aspects of technology. To root out the evil is hardest of all, and to provide the peace to human kind is the prime responsibility. We have to maintain the balance to decentralize things or our own creation can make us linger, suffer & deteriorate. The infrastructure behind today¡¯s internet allows massive quantities of people to gather in virtual environments, like when more than 12.3 million players tuned in for a VR concert in Fortnite featuring Travis Scott. This current infrastructure is very impressive, yet it will likely need to evolve further to support the metaverse industry experts envision. Apart from that, any single misinterpretation may lead to the collapse of humanity from this universe. We need to focus on what we need and to keep things under the control or else this new technology may become the snake that will hiss slowly but bite too deep to vanquish humanity, draining purity to root evil so deep that will lead to destruction or extinction ultimately.