[September Free Report] Extreme weather in Madagascarby Barisoa Nancy Andriamiarimbola | 20-10-2022 23:00 |
Extreme weather in Madagascar : Drought
Drought. Source : https://www.thevalleypost.com/africa-disproportionately-affected-afdb/ 70% - This is the rate of people who do not have access to basic drinking water in the South of Madagascar due to drought according to the website WaterAid. And I am grateful to the government because they are doing their best but let's not forget that the problem of water is a very serious problem. Indeed, there are children who drink mud in the south of Madagascar because they are so thirsty. Droughts, defined as a deficit of water over a relatively long period of time, are among the climatic extremes with high societal stakes. Indeed, as in the case of Madagascar, there are tens of thousands of people in near starvation conditions. There are several types of drought. First, there is the meteorological drought corresponding to a prolonged deficit of precipitation; then, the agricultural drought is characterized by a deficit of water in superficial soils (between 1 and 2 m deep) and finally the hydrological drought is manifested when the lakes, rivers or groundwater show abnormally low levels. The Zazany Madagascar association already contribute to help these vulnerable families in their fight against food insecurity. To do so, they launched some time ago the OPERATION FIGHT AGAINST THE KERE "famine" in the South of Madagascar. I believe that everyone deserves to have clean water, because having water is not a privilege, it is a basic need. So in front of this situation, do not waste your food because there are children somewhere who do not eat tonight. Thank you for reading my article and take good care of yourself and your family. Children in the southern Madagascar smiling to you! Source : https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-zazany-madagascar/formulaires/1 |