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[September Free Report] The few and insufficient climate change adaptation measures in the Peruvian agricultural sector

by Anghy Aquino | 13-09-2022 15:20

Peru, like many developing countries, has very few climate change adaptation plans in all its sectors, and those that do exist are not implemented for many reasons, but the main one is lack of funding.

In recent years, one of the sectors that has been most affected by climate change has been agriculture, since the production of many foods has decreased in several regions due to droughts, floods, frosts, etc., which has affected many people who have had to migrate to the cities to obtain better sources of income.


. Cambio Climático afecta a cultivos de Seis agroexportaciones del perú, ¢¯cuáles son? Gestión. (2017, March 7). Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

In the face of these problems, very few solutions have been proposed and implemented by the authorities. In addition, many small towns located in remote areas that depend on agriculture for their livelihoods have been forgotten and left to fend for themselves. The few measures that have been implemented have taken place in large agricultural areas. These measures include the construction of water reservoirs, dams, wells, and reforestation projects. The Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego del Perú - MIDAGRI) has also provided hay, animal feed, pesticides, and insecticides. However, these actions only serve to deal with the problem temporarily and not in the long term, which is what is needed to confront climate change.

MIDAGRI hay delivery. Luque, R. (n.d.). Se intensifica atención a regiones declaradas en emergencia y entregan ayuda a criadores de Puno. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

MIDAGRI hay delivery. Luque, R. (n.d.). Se intensifica atención a regiones declaradas en emergencia y entregan ayuda a criadores de Puno. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

Some actions that farming communities have taken to adapt to climate change are to delay or advance planting to coincide with the rainy season and to set fire to native grasses to generate smoke and prevent frost. These actions are precarious and inefficient as they generate other problems. Moreover, they have no future, since climate change could generate long periods of drought, and the advance or delay of planting would be useless in this case.

To adapt efficiently to climate change, the Peruvian agricultural sector needs much more sophisticated measures such as those implemented in the world's agricultural powers, including the technification of agriculture and the implementation of innovative irrigation systems depending on the conditions of each region, recovering degraded lands, and investing in research and studies. All of this requires major funding and the support of national and foreign institutions from the public and private sectors.


Farming drones. Marco, L. D., Emery, D., Hodgkinson, I., Peters, G., & Hartnett, T. (2022, July 23). How drones are used in agriculture. UAV Training Australia. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from

Unfortunately, farmers with the least economic resources have the fewest possibilities to adapt to climate change and will suffer the most in the future due to the consequences of this global phenomenon. These are the people who need the most help from the authorities and institutions.

5Farmers. El (2017, July 31). Calentamiento global y su impacto en la Agricultura de Perú. IPDRS. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from

Climate change exacerbates environmental injustice. The poorest people in developing countries without many resources to take measures to adapt to climate change are always the most affected by the actions of people and companies in developed countries that generate large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Take the case of the people in Pakistan who died and were affected by the floods, for example. I really hope that the major countries responsible for accelerating climate change will live up to their commitments to reduce their emissions and transition to renewable energy.

Reference materials:

Postigo, Julio C. (2009). Estrategias de adaptación y gestión del riesgo frente al cambio climático en tres regiones del sur andino peruano. Cepes. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from

Almeida, J. (2020, September 29). Cinco Medidas de Adaptación para reducir la vulnerabilidad Al Cambio Climático del sector agrícola en América Latina y el caribe. Sostenibilidad. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from