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Climate Change and the economy (July free report)

by Roselyne Awiti | 31-08-2022 17:21

Climate Change and the economy 

Climate change has a direct or indirect impact on any country¡¯s economy. Think of the prolonged droughts and flooding which  occur as a result of climate change .They come with other potential developmental problems which can either be positive or negative.

Let¡¯s first focus on the negatives.

Impact on the agricultural sector

Climate change brings with it a change in the weather patterns. The long known rainy seasons today have turned to be extremely dry while  the dry seasons experience little to much rain.

 This majorly impacts the agricultural sector. Farmers can no longer predict the whether patterns and therefore remain uncertain of when to prepare their land for planting. They have resolved to the trial-and-error method whereby they stick to plant in the seasons meant for planting before only to eventually watch their crop dry up before they mature or have extremely lower yields.

 This means the country¡¯s granary will not be able to satisfy her citizens hence relying on importations of cereals such as maize and other food products. 

Secondly floods, often sweep away crops and livestock leaving farmers with huge losses. This will translate to high dependency ratio in pastoralist regions where the livestock are their main source of income.

This will  in turn mean high prices of food in the market thus starvation and also  hinder development as money that would be spent in building infrastructural facilities is spent in food importation and cushioning farmers hence less or no evident growth in a country.

Impacts on infrastructure

Building of roads, railway lines, airports and docks is very costly to a country. Climate change however shows no mercy. When floods occur in any of these areas, they are destroyed forcing the Government to replace or repair the respective facilities. This cycle of making and remaking is tantamount stagnation which only leaves countries in state of poverty.
In addition, communication lines can also be destroyed leading to losses  to specific businesses dependent on internet for communication.


Tourists before visiting any country first put into consideration their safety. Nobody would visit a risky area where the probability of losing their lives is high. Like they avoid areas experiencing war or any other form of tension, they also avoid flooded regions.  

Any country experiencing floods therefore lose billions of shillings which would be obtained if these tourists visited their parks and other tourist attraction sites in that particular season.

Leads to immigration

Individuals are leaving flooded and drought-stricken regions to other regions where they end up scrambling for the scarce resources with residents. This increases crime rate in a country.
Positive impact

Like a coin, climate change also has its two sides. It not only brings with it negative impacts but also comes with some positive effects. This includes:

New job opportunities

As individuals feel the impacts of climate change, there has been significant effort to move to green and clean energy. Such include the use of biogas, solar and electric vehicles. This opens up thousands of jobs for the solar installers, mechanics and biogas producers thus lowering the dependency ratio as the jobless find something to do.

Climate change does more harm than good to any country¡¯s economy. Fighting it is also more expensive than its prevention. It is therefore important that individuals, businesses and the government be proactive rather than  reactive in dealing with it. Before doing anything, let us evaluate the impacts it has on the environment to protect the economy.