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Happy International Youth Day Event

by Anghy Aquino | 12-08-2022 09:46


From the moment we are born, we experience the solidarity and warmth of different generations (our siblings, parents, and grandparents). They guide us, teach us, and help us to become decent people in the future. We have much to learn from each of the generations, as they all have something valuable to contribute. Generations nurture each other, which is why it is of utmost importance to build strong intergenerational relationships in communities. In this way, the development and progress of the communities can be achieved.

Many public and private institutions in different countries work to achieve intergenerational solidarity and build strong intergenerational relationships in their communities by organizing programs and events involving people from different generations. I have participated in two of these types of programs, one organized by a private institution (Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (IIMP) - Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers) and the other by a public institution (Seguro Social de Salud (ESSALUD) - Social Health Insurance). I will tell you more below about these programs and the fantastic experiences I had in each of them.

The Programa de Soporte Intergeneracional (Intergenerational Support Program) organized by the Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (IIMP) 

The Programa de Soporte Intergeneracional consists of connecting a junior associate and a senior associate of the IIMP through weekly video calls so that they can build friendships and exchange personal and professional experiences. Its purpose is to achieve exchange and collaboration between different generations.

A few months ago, I had the great opportunity to participate in the fourth edition of this program, which allowed me to build and strengthen ties with a wonderful person, Mrs. Maria del Pilar Benavides, a lawyer and president of an NGO called OMA (Organización Mundial de Apoyo a la Educación - World Education Support Organization). Throughout the program, I learned a lot from her, not only from her professional side, which is to be admired and inspires me as an example, but also from her personal side, which shows the warm and kind person she is and the efforts she makes to transcend. In addition, she helped me solve some personal problems I had during the program and was always willing to listen and help me. Not only that, but she also provided me with many materials, including books, audios, and videos, to contribute to my personal development. I am immensely grateful to Ms. Benavides for everything she did for me, and I hope that I also contributed something to her during the program. To this day, we still keep in touch. She has become a great friend of mine.  

The Programa de Soporte Intergeneracional motivates the younger generations to participate in future editions of the program, but no longer as junior associates but as senior associates, and pass on our experiences and knowledge just as the senior associates now do with us. The older generations help us now so that we can do the same with the younger generations. In this way, intergenerational solidarity is created in a community. Helping each other is key to our progress as a society.

The Programa de Soporte Intergeneracional contributes greatly to the development of many young professionals and helps them overcome the new challenges they have to face both in the mining industry and in the country, especially now because of the difficult political and socioeconomic situation that my country is facing, which I hope will be solved soon.


Mrs. Maria Del Pilar Benavides and I on a video call


Mrs. Maria Del Pilar Benavides and I on another video call

The program "Lectura que te acompaña" (Reading that accompanies you) organized by the Seguro Social de Salud (ESSALUD) and the Municipality of Lima


The "Lectura que te acompaña" program arose as a result of the pandemic, which caused the confinement of people, mainly affecting those who live alone or suffer from depression, as is mostly the case of older adults. Therefore, thinking of them, the Seguro Social de Salud (ESSALUD) and the Municipality of Lima created the program "Lectura que te acompaña" which consists of a group of volunteers making video calls to older adults to read them a book or some readings of their favorite literary genre. The purpose of this project is to achieve intergenerational interaction, personal and social development, to favor the emotional state of both the older adult and the volunteer, and to promote reading. 

I am currently participating in this program, which has allowed me to meet a great person, Mrs. Florentina De La Cruz, with whom I have shared many hours of reading, experiences and anecdotes and who has given me valuable advice and has motivated me to move forward. Among the pieces of advice she gave me that I treasure the most are the following:

"You have to work for what you want to achieve; don't expect things to come to you without you having done anything."

"You have a long way to go. You are still very young. You have to live and move forward to see the things that will be in the future: technology, education, how society has changed, people's lifestyle. I remember when I was young, the idea of human beings going into space seemed impossible to me, but after years, it came true. In the future, there will be wonderful and amazing things, and you have to see them." 

"Do not dwell on the negative and sad aspects of life, but rather on the good and positive ones."                                

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Florentina De La Cruz has become another friend of mine, whom I hope to meet in person one day, as we agreed to contact each other in the event that one of us visited the other's city.

I am very grateful to this program because it allowed me to have a wonderful experience and meet Mrs. Florentina De La Cruz. Like me, hundreds of volunteers and older adults feel very fortunate to have participated in this program because they learned a lot and gained another friend.

Thanks to the "Lectura que te acompaña" program, two different generations build and strengthen bonds of friendship and intergenerational solidarity is achieved.








Mrs. Florentina De La Cruz and I on our video calls

The existence of programs and projects such as those mentioned above is key to building intergenerational relationships. Without them, the exchange and collaboration between different generations would be affected, so it is of utmost importance that both public and private institutions implement such programs and create spaces for communication and collaboration between different generations. However, not all the work depends on the institutions and companies, but also on the people who must show commitment and availability to participate in these programs. We must remember that the progress of a society and sustainable development depend on everyone: authorities, companies, and the different generations.