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a story about inter generational solidarity

by radha krishnan | 13-08-2022 02:04

                                                -:THE SEED:-

Like any other household, the Mesramies were typical to the on-looker¡¯s eyes. The family of 5 consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Mesramie, Mr. Mesramie¡¯s parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Mesramie¡¯s child, Henry. Mr. Mesrami was the local détective and a person who is keen on every small detail but easily forgets the big picture. Mrs. Mesrami was the straight opposite of her husband. The grandparents who were gardeners mostly kept to themselves. 

One fine day, Henry got an assignment to do a science project. As indecisive as he is, he immediately turned around and looked at his friend with a sight of incredible about. His friend who got used to this replied in an annoyed tone like he was saying this the hundredth time(yes, he did) ¡®¡®just grow a plant, henry¡±. Happily, he turned around to listen to the class.

That evening he went home and bought a plant pot and a sunflower seed. All he had to do was plant it in the soil. For a 9-year-old this simple task to him was like crossing your pupils. He went to his father for advice. Mr. Mesrami with complete perfection said, ¡°son you need to plant this with complete perfection and plant the seed in the center¡±.

¡°How should I do that?¡±

¡°By taking the diameter¡±


¡°The dio-me-re?

¡°No son. The dia-me-ter. Then you have to divide it by 2. Then measure it by a scale then apply it to the pot. OK?

¡°Yeah ¡¦.. I¡¯ll do it ¡¦... Thank you¡± and left the room, more confused.

 Henry then got to the task given by his father. By his instructions, he started to measure the diameter of the round pot. Let's just say that was very hard for him. He spent the whole evening trying to measure. At last, his mother came into the room only to find her son trying to measure a flower pot with a measuring spoon. Henry explained everything to her. She slapped herself on the head because of her husband's characteristics and said:

¡°Oh my dear, you don¡¯t have to take measure to where to keep the seed just keep it here¡±, she pointed to the pot


¡°Then what should I do?¡±

¡°Just water it and keep it safe¡±

¡°But how much water and where do i—-¡¯¡¯ 

Suddenly the telephone rang and Mrs. Mesrami picked it up and it was her friend.

¡°Mom, mom, mom how much—-¡± Henry asked

¡°Henry! Go to your room. don't you see I am busy¡± said mother with a scorn

Henry then went to his grandmother and asked the question. The kind old lady smiled and replied ¡°Henry dear, just ask your grandpa. He is in the garden¡±. He quickly hurried to the garden only to find his grandfather sadly watering the plants. Henry went near and stood. He asked:

¡°Grandpa, what happened?

Seeing him, grandpa quickly smiled and replied ¡°nothing son just watering the plants¡±               

But Henry saw through his face that something was wrong.

¡°Grandpa tell me, what happened?¡±

Grandpa was about to explain when his father came out and shouted ¡° henry! Come here. Don't get your clothes dirty¡±. Henry tried to explain but his father insisted. Henry went inside as his father gave his grandpa a stare. 

                            The next day Henry found out that his father and grandpa got into a fight. He thought of a plan. And there he got an idea. He took his empty flower pot and rushed into the living room. He wanted to make everyone come here. Should he call everyone or do a more effective method? With a deep inhale, he shouted like he was in pain so loud that the neighbors were taken aback. His father, mother, and grandparents rushed to the spot only to find Henry sitting on the couch holding the flower pot in his hand. He told them, "I know you are all angry because I shouted, but please sit here for a minute. I have a story to tell. 

                             There was once a happy household where everyone was happy. But one day they got into a fight. They all started quarreling and they left the house. what was once a happy household was now a neglected, abandoned, and forgotten home. They did not know why they got into a fight or how. Just because they had different opinions did not mean they were different. Just because some had different habits does not mean they are different. Aren¡¯t they a family with similar problems, with similar situations, and with similar situations? I mean, aren't they related biologically and emotionally? Even if they hate each other deep inside they still have a love for each other, but it is just hidden, for what reason, and at what cost. This thought scares me. Just like this seed that has gone through hate, difference and dispute has not sprouted. This does not mean its dead, it's waiting for the moment where the rain rains and the sun shines at the same time, the moment where the harshest winds became a loving breeze, the moment where all beings around it understand each other, where the flower feeds the hungry bee and the bee in gratitude spreads pollen. a moment where things are not just right, they're mutual. There is a broken person in this room. That is why the seed has not sprouted.  ¡± 

It took a moment to realize. The tense atmosphere was broken when Mr. Mesrami shed a tear, a surprise which the whole family was taken aback by except for a pleased Henry who was smiling. Mr. Mesrami looked at Henry and understood what he meant. Then he went near his father, knelt, and apologized most sincerely. Grandpa bent down and patted his son on the head. He said:

            ¡°thank you¡±


Mr. Mesrami looked with teary eyes with confusion

            ¡°for what?¡±


            ¡°for accepting me as your father once again¡±

¡°I am sorry¡¦. it's my fault¡¦¡¦. I am so sorry¡±

¡°son, don't cry, you're a big boy now¡± 

Both began to smile and hugged each other. What was lost 10 years ago has returned.  

After this day the family was united, emotionally. All of them collaborated and Henry's sunflower seed grew into a beautiful flower in just three days. It was because of the right amount of water, sunlight, and most importantly unlimited love and understanding.

Henry got an A on his assignment, though the story helped it more. The sunflower was blooming brighter than the sun. 

The house was never silent. It was full of joy and happiness. The plant continued to grow as the family understood each other and took turns looking after it. They got advice from each other. Mr. Mesrami, under his father¡¯s training, became an avid gardener. He discovered the effort and skill to grow plants which were similar to raising a family. He placed gardens around the house, the street, and eventually the neighborhood. The plants remind everyone about a family's unity and bonding. everyone started planting 

plants and trees. 

Just like this, with a spoon of mutual agreement, a bit of forgiving, and lots of bonding, anything can be done. This is intergenerational solidarity. If we are a society of true intergenerational solidarity, by now this world will have the least carbon footprint. 

so come on, in this timeless world of difference, spare a moment  to tell your siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, and other people who you love and cherish that you are grateful to have them and simply say that you,

love them.