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[Thematic report] August - Social Contribution Activities of Corporations

by Anghy Aquino | 11-08-2022 09:47

Mining companies' social programs to increase female participation in the Peruvian mining sector

Much is said about the negative impacts of mining in Peru, but little is said about the positive ones that have contributed to the development of some communities. Formal and large-scale mining is mainly responsible for most of the positive impacts generated by the Peruvian mining industry. Many communities, especially those located in the mining areas of influence, have benefited from the social and environmental programs implemented by mining companies, and their quality of life has improved.

Large-scale mining companies implement a wide variety of social and environmental programs and projects each year. The most notable of these are the educational, diversity and inclusion ones. As is well known, in Peru, female participation in the mining industry has been minimal since ancient times due to certain erroneous beliefs, including the absurd idea that if a woman enters a mine, it will collapse. Little by little, this belief has been disappearing, but there are still some places where it lingers. However, this has not been the only obstacle that has prevented more women from joining the mining sector; the macho culture that prevails in Peru to this day has been another reason, which is why many mining companies are working to encourage female participation in the mining sector. Among the main programs and projects that have been implemented to achieve this objective are the following:

The Hatun Warmi (Quechua, Hatun = Wonderful, Warmi = Woman) program of the mining company Hudbay Perú

The Hatun Warmi program is an initiative of the mining company Hudbay Perú, whose objective is to train 12 women from the communities surrounding Hudbay Perú's mining operations in the handling of heavy machinery for 6 months. They receive both theoretical and practical training and an economic subsidy during the training period. After completing the training, they also have the opportunity to join Hudbay Peru's mining company.

The Hatun Warmi program is a wonderful opportunity that allows 12 women to completely change their lives. They will grow professionally and increase their employability. In addition, this will allow them to improve their quality of life. 

The Hatum Warmi program. ProActivo, R. (2021, August 20). Hudbay Perú: Programa "Hatun Warmi" capacita a mujeres de Chumbivilcas en la operación de equipos mineros. Revista ProActivo. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

The Hatum Warmi program. Belling, M. (2022, March 10). Hudbay ejecuta programas para impulsar la diversidad e inclusión de la mujer en la minería (exclusivo). Revista ProActivo. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

Becas Mujeres Mineras (Women Mining Scholarships) of the mining company Hudbay Perú

The mining company Hudbay Perú offers scholarships to women who live in the areas surrounding its mining operations, are in poverty and have graduated from high school with high qualifications so that they can pursue university studies in mining-related careers (Mining Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geology, etc.). This scholarship not only covers the cost of initial tuition and monthly college tuition, but also the cost of educational materials, living expenses, and administrative and degree expenses. 

This is another great opportunity offered by the mining company Hudbay Perú to increase female participation in the mining sector and contribute to the human development of women in the communities surrounding Hudbay Perú's mining operations.

Energiminas. (n.d.). "Quiero ser un ejemplo para mi comunidad": El plan de Hudbay Perú para contratar más mujeres de comunidades. Energiminas. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

In addition to these programs that promote female participation in the Peruvian mining sector, some mining companies also implement programs and projects that help women improve their economic condition. Among the most important are:

The Minka (Quechua, Minka = communal work ) project of the mining company Antamina

The Minka project is an initiative of the mining company Antamina that aims to promote women's participation in the family economy. The project employs 195 women to carry out maintenance work on the bridle paths. Because the community's crops are located along the higher parts of the bridle paths, the maintenance work helps facilitate the transport of cassava and potato crops. 

The Minka project fosters women's empowerment and helps them demonstrate that they too are capable of working and economically contributing to the household as well as men.


Proyecto Minka: Mujeres de San Pedro de Pichiú mejoran su economía familiar l Antamina. Antamina. (2022, March 17). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

Proyecto Minka: Mujeres de San Pedro de Pichiú mejoran su economía familiar l Antamina. Antamina. (2022, March 17). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

El Programa Tikary, bordando el futuro (The Tikary program, embroidering the future) of the mining companies Buenaventura and Hudbay Perú

The Tikary program is an initiative developed by two mining companies: Buenaventura and Hudbay Perú, whose objective is to provide workshops on tailoring, co-creation of designs inspired by local flora and fauna, sewing, embroidery, and development of business and marketing skills to women in three communities neighboring the mining operations of both mining companies. This program helps women acquire all the necessary skills and abilities to start their own business and thus improve their economic condition.

Tikary - Home | Facebook

Tikary. Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from


Tikary: Bordando el futuro. Premios ProActivo. (2020, December 17). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from


"Somos fuertes y poderosas" (We are strong and powerful). Hub de Innovación Minera del Perú. (2021, August 5). Tikary. Twitter. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from


Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from

The social programs and projects of large-scale mining companies in Peru have contributed immensely to the human development of the communities surrounding their mining operations. This shows that if mining activity is developed in a responsible and sustainable manner, it generates many more positive impacts than negative ones.

I hope that more companies, not only mining and large ones, start implementing social and environmental programs that benefit my country as a whole. And I hope they do it not only to improve their reputation but also to demonstrate their sincere commitment to sustainable development.

Reference materials:

Conoce las acciones que Hudbay promueve en pro de la diversidad e inclusión (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from 

Proyecto Minka: Mujeres de San Pedro de Pichiú mejoran su economía familiar l Antamina. Antamina. (2022, March 17). Retrieved August 11, 2022, from