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Nature and I

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 25-07-2022 00:22

Man and nature must be together.  We are used to getting everything we want from nature - enjoying warm sunny weather, swimming in ponds, delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  Hunters kill wild animals for food and tasty meat, fishermen catch fish in large numbers in lakes, rivers and seas, forgetting that they are all living beings.
 But the worst thing is not even that.  We must not forget that man is a child of nature.  He is completely dependent on her.  It must always be remembered that the natural balance must not be disturbed.  If you destroy animals that benefit nature, then the number of pests will increase, from which green spaces will suffer.  People cut down forests, but they are needed to purify the air and obtain oxygen, which is so necessary for the breathing of all living things around.

 Some human activities cause great harm to the environment, especially if they have to pollute it.  Many industrial enterprises throw their waste into rivers, which leads to the death of fish and waterfowl.  Harmful greenhouse gases are emitted from the pipes of factories and enterprises into the atmosphere.  The abundance of transport pollutes the air with exhaust gases.  Due to the irrational use of agricultural land, soil fertility is declining.

 People enclose themselves from nature with concrete and brick buildings, create machines, electronics.  It turns out that thanks to civilization, a person is increasingly separated from nature, and forgets to take care of it.  But we must not forget that if a person harms nature, then at the same time he harms himself.

 In order to breathe clean air, drink water from natural reservoirs, eat organic products, you need to work hard, take care of the environment.  The very first thing that every person should do is to plant and grow a tree that can not only decorate everything around, but also make the air cleaner.  You can take care of your pets.  Thanks to them, people feel closer to nature, become kinder.

 To keep in touch with nature, it is necessary to go out of town on weekends, walk through the forest, swim in the lake and sunbathe.  Do not leave garbage, plastic bottles and bags at the place of stay.  After such walks, our life is filled with energy, and our mood improves.  Even with a lot of employment, a person must find solitude with nature, do not forget about his origin.  After all, it feeds us, warms us and fills life with pleasant impressions.

 The whole world around us: earth, air, water, plants and animals - all this is nature.  Everyone knows that a person is an integral part of it.  It is not for nothing that they say that nature is our home.

 But, despite the significance of the environment for a person, often in fact we, as if not understanding or refusing to understand, destroy its fragile balance.  We drain swamps to build cities and roads, thereby destroying ecosystems.  We exterminate entire species of animals and fish, after which we try to save the remaining rare individuals and list them in the Red Book.  We pollute the air with toxic emissions from factories and cars, and then we think about how to avoid the greenhouse effect and complain about smog.

 But we simply cannot survive without the oxygen we breathe every second, as well as without water and healthy food.  By destroying nature in this way, we are slowly killing ourselves.
 We use its gifts, often forgetting that many of them are non-renewable.  We take and give nothing in return.  Although in the world you have to pay for everything.  Asphalt replaces green fields, and stone jungle - real forests.  Step by step, we systematically destroy nature, forgetting that everything is harmonious in it.

 Trees provide us with such irreplaceable and important oxygen, in addition, they are home and food for many animals, birds and insects.  Having cut down one trunk for our own needs, which are significant today, we forget that this can affect our future and the existence of many other species.
 Man considers himself the king of nature, but great power carries with it no less responsibility.  Therefore, it is only in our power to keep this blue planet, which is our home, clean and beautiful for many years to come.