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Fires and ecology

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 25-07-2022 00:59

Extremely high temperatures, oxygen burnout, an increase in the concentration of combustion products in the air, smoke, destruction of vegetation - all this radically affects the stability of the natural biocenosis.  Fires cause a violation of homeostasis, that is, constancy, of the ecosystem due to the influence of the following factors:
 1. a large number of animals and plants die in the fire, as a result of which the species diversity of fauna and flora changes in the future;
 2. carbon dioxide, soot, nitrogen oxides and other combustion products are released into the surface layer of the atmosphere, this changes the composition of the air;
 3. due to the disappearance of the forest, the impact of winds on the soil is increasing, which can lead to its erosion and desertification of lands;
 4. the disappearance of trees and other vegetation after a fire changes the water regime of the soil;
 5. Due to burnout, not only the water regime changes, but also the mineral composition of soils.

 All this leads to the fact that the existing ecosystems are destroyed and new ones are formed.  Moreover, some factors have an impact directly during the fire and immediately after it (short-term consequences), while others continue to contribute after many, many years.
 Forest restoration
 The forest after the fire becomes dead, because during the fire there is a partial or complete destruction of vegetation.  Areas damaged by fire are called burnt areas.  Depending on the degree of damage to trees, among them are:
 * burnt forests with elements of a viable forest stand;
 * old burners (dry);
 * fresh burners with destroyed stands.

 If viable trees remain after the fire, then a partial change of vegetation occurs in this area, but if the forest burns out thoroughly, the vegetation cover changes completely in the damaged area.

 Restoration processes are very slow and can last for many tens or even hundreds of years, because that is how much time is needed to form a full-fledged forest.

 For example, global warming.  When trees burn, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, which leads to an increase in air temperature.  As a result, the greenhouse effect appears, which increases the risk of hurricanes and typhoons many times over.  Do not forget that the forest is the main source of oxygen on Earth.  The reduction of trees leads to a slower conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen (O2).  In addition, when organic matter burns in excess of oxygen, carbon dioxide is always formed, thereby slowing down the process of its processing.  All this can lead to a decrease in the quality of oxygen, which, in turn, is fraught with atmospheric pollution, an increase in the greenhouse effect and the so-called "acid" rain.
 Another consequence of fires is the death of useful soil microorganisms, and, as a result, the barrenness of the land.  This also includes disturbances in the cycle of nature, the loss of biological diversity, in particular the disappearance of plant and animal species.
 Significant harm to the environment is also caused by the consequences of fires - for example, ashes.  It mixes with rainfall and pollutes water bodies, harming fish and aquatic plants.  Strong smoke after forest fires delays the development of plants - they begin to release less oxygen, and the forest is its main supplier.  In addition, according to the observations of scientists, about a third of fires in Russia lead to a change in the type of vegetation - this leads not only to a violation of the biosystem, but also to economic consequences (for example, there were cases when aspen grew on the site of a coniferous forest that died from a fire.  Economically, this tree species is less valuable).
 Man, using modern technologies and protecting himself from nature, still remains dependent on it.  Nothing can be done about it - nature is a balanced, carefully thought-out system, each element of which is in its place and performs a certain function.  And a violation in one element of this powerful chain inevitably leads to serious violations.