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by Meena Pandey | 23-07-2022 01:16

28th Ambassadorship, Month 5, Report 1

Month: July

Free report

Topic: Accomplishment of Ambassador Sponsorship Program

I would like to extend my gratitude to Tunza Ecogeneration for awarding me with ¡®Ambassador Sponsorship Program¡¯. It became wonderful experience to successfully accomplish this program.

We conducted school campaign for three days in three schools of underprivileged villages of Rupandehi District, located at Western Nepal.

The program was conducted in collaboration with Helping Hands for Agriculture and Veterinary Sector (HAVS). HAVS, is a technical organization oriented in cooperation with agriculture and veterinary students, scholars, farmers, and all agriculture designated authorities to organize a set of events and programs for the upliftment of the agriculture and veterinary sector. As HAVS was well equipped with the vigorous and dedicated youths and environmentalist, it became possible in conducting the program with a lot of positive and motivating feedbacks.

Our team and experts visited school prior to conducting the program to study the feasibility of conducting the program. The team could have considerable communication barrier with the students due to linguistic problem. There was Nepali medium based education system in all three schools and even the students understood Nepali medium with moderate difficulty as they were from ¡®Madhesi¡¯, (one of the ethnic group) community. But the team was fully prepared with our comprehensive slide, presentation, documentary show, demonstration and above all we believed we could finish it with our team effort. We conducted program from class 6-10 in each schools.


Day 1: Bhairahawa Model Secondary School

We started our first school campaign from Bhairahawa Model Secondary School on 31 May, 2022. They were eager to hear us. As the program started they listened us carefully and to make them more attentive in the program, we conducted quiz competition and awarded them with our goods. They enjoyed ¡®Pic to Word¡¯ series. We found the students were known only about water pollution, they were unaware that their toffee cover could bring devastating effect in the environment when they piled up for many years. For each break, we conducted either experience sharing or quiz competition. As all the students were not interested in drawing only few participated in drawing competition, the best of them was awarded. Lastly, we showed documentary show to them which brought revolutionary thought in them to change themselves from that day starting from their food habits. They promised to avoid junk foods as far as possible and encourage their neighbor friends, too. Lastly, we were melted by their soft voice to revisit their school soon with other environmental issue.

Day 2: Susanskrit Higher Secondary School

We started our second school campaign in Susansanskrit Higher Secondary School on 1st June, 2022. As we went in the school, the students were already present in the hall. The students were known what was the global environmental issue in the world but unaware about their causes and consequences. One of the students raised question on the relation between environmental degradation and developmental activities. I was feeling deeply satisfied when he was clear about the confusion he was with. Huge number of students participated in the drawing competition. By the interest they showed to express their views, we conducted oratory competition and awarded the best one. The students also requested the team to make clear of 3R principles and ecosystem. The expert team was given token of love at the end.


Day 3: Paklihawa School

Finally, we concluded our school campaign after conducting it in Paklihawa School on 2nd June. The team conducted their campaign in the school in the presence of local representative. The team was praised by their efforts to conduct their program and was offered to collaborate with local representative if any environmental campaign conduct in future.


Lastly, I would like to apologize for delay submission of the report as I was hooked with the semester exam and also thank to HAVS team without whom the program would not have been succeeded.

Here is some glimpses of our program.