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impact of climate change on medicinal plants

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 13-07-2022 18:23

Climate change and global warming have emerged as one the major issue affecting plants, humans, and other species around the globe. Due to the emission of Co2 and other hazardous gases(methane, ozone), the temperature of the earth is rising rapidly. Climate change has a significant impact on Nepal such as biodiversity extinction, flood, droughts, melting of glaciers, etc. A high abundance of medicinal plant exists in Nepal owing to the diversity in climate and geography. Nepal ranks tenth among Asian countries in terms of floral abundance, featuring 2331 medicinal plant species.

Impact of climate change on medicinal plants

1) Production of secondary metabolites

Temperature, light and CO2 concentration causes change in concentration of secondary metabolites and other chemical compounds which affects the quality of plants. Secondary metabolites are the basis for therapeutic use of medicinal plants

2) Decrease availability and threat to medicinal plant species

According to research, about 600 plant species have become extinct within the last 250 years. Increment in temperature with slight variation may threaten the availability of medicinal plants in the future. Nepal is located in Hindu-Kush Himalaya so the flora and fauna of Nepal are more vulnerable to climate change. According to the IPCC report, temperature variation may occur at 4-5 degrees Celsius posing a threat to flora and fauna.Species cannot regenerated after extinction by synthetic way so it becomes huge loss for future generation.

3) Shifting ranges of medicinal plants:

Habitat loss of medicinal plants due to migration in range of medicinal plants. Endemic species are more vulnerable to climate change. Lifecycle and distribution of plants has been altered with climate change.


4) impact on productivity and quality of medicinal plants

Due to alteration in temperature and rainfall pattern in inappropriate time, both quality and quantity of medicinal plants is hampered. Extreme weather events( snowfall, frost ) hampers the harvesting of medicinal plants.


Observing the current scenario, it can be predicted that climate change will directly or indirectly hampers harvestor, collector, producer and consumers of medicinal plants. There is no adequate research on future consequences of climate change on medicinal plants. Certain strategies should be made to mitigate impact of climate change on medicinal plants  because it is source of income for rural people of Nepal.