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4 Simple Ways That You Can Help the Environment

by Paisley Hansen | 04-06-2022 03:21

With global temperatures rising steadily each year, saving the environment has become more of a pressing responsibility. Sometimes it may feel like an impossible task, especially on the individual level. However, people often underestimate themselves, and what they can do to make an impact on the world around them, so it's best not to give up hope just yet. If you're feeling uninspired, here are a few simple ways that you can make an impact and help save the environment.

1. Reduce the Amount of Gas You Use

The United States is one of the top countries for car ownership, which means a lot of drivers on the road are burning more and more gasoline and fossil fuels. These emissions release a lot of carbon dioxide, which damages the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore, it's a pretty good idea to try and reduce the amount of gasoline that you use. There are a few different ways that you can do this, too. Instead of driving to work alone, try to carpool with your coworkers or ride a bike. Try to utilize public transportation. Instead of driving out to the beach or waterpark, consider taking out affordable pool loans so that you can install your own pool. Or, you can invest in an electric or hybrid car, which uses considerably fewer amounts of fossil fuels than one that runs purely on diesel. 

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Aside from trying to repair the damage to the atmosphere that greenhouse gas emissions cause, we should also be aware of the amount of physical waste that we produce, especially plastics. Plastic products (such as shopping bags, water bottles, etc.) aren't biodegradable, so once they're thrown away, they typically end up sitting in landfills. Even worse, they could end up in places such as the oceans where animals could mistake them for food and choke on them. However, we can replace plastic options oftentimes with reusable ones or even go so far as to repurpose plastic bags and bottles for other things such as making art or DIY projects for your home. Either way, this will reduce the use of plastic significantly, leaving landfills and the environment a little bit cleaner. 

3. Support Local Businesses

Although this may not seem as "green" as some other options, millions of pounds of different goods, foods, and materials are transported across the nation each day (with some deliveries crossing through multiple states). Those semi-trucks are a huge producer of carbon dioxide gasses from burning fuel; therefore, shopping with local businesses who don't pay for goods to be imported from other states or countries can heavily reduce the level of air pollution we experience each year. 

4. Getting Involved

The individual efforts do add up if enough people work together. However, the biggest producers of pollution are often big corporations and companies that are able to create their products without the proper environmental regulations. Therefore, the best way to save the environment is to get involved with local activist groups to not only raise awareness but to push the importance of saving the environment into the view of your local politicians. By getting educated about your environment and the effects of pollution, writing to your representatives and senators, and making your voice heard, you'll be able to start the conversation of saving the environment on a grander scale. 

Too often there are news articles and stories that make saving the environment seem like either a completely hopeless or incredibly radicalized effort. However, there are countless opportunities where everyone can make a difference, either individually or with a group. Some may say that saving the environment is not much of an issue, but it's certainly a large issue if we wish to continue living in healthy ways. It's even more important to act so that the children of the future and their children can have access to the beautiful place that we call our home. Although it may be a long journey, having the power to build that beautiful world for the generations to come is what matters the most.