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community biodiversity management

by Sharmila Pandey | 07-06-2022 15:32

month- April
Thematic Report

Biological diversity means the variability among living organism from all sources including among other things , terrestrial marine and other aquatic ecosystem and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species between special and of ecosystem.

Community Biodiversity Management (CBM) is a community-driven participatory approach to agricultural biodiversity management that empowers farmers and communities to organize themselves and develop strategies to support on-farm management of agricultural biodiversity for the improvement of their livelihoods. The CBM approach integrates knowledge and practices with social systems, institutions and regulations that support conservation and development goals set by participating communities. This chapter provides conceptual frameworks of on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiverse

Basic aim  of community biodiversity management

¡¤         Building on local knowledge resources practices , innovation and assets .

¡¤         Revitalizing traditional knowledge / skill / techniques.

¡¤         Protecting traditional / customary right of local communities by providing proof of resources uses.

¡¤         Assessing the economic value of community usage and conservation practices .

¡¤         Priority setting for conserving those resources which are under threat.

¡¤         Sharing the knowledge with other communities in india for mutual benefit.

¡¤         Protecting local knowledge skill and technology from exploitation by commercial users ( including protection against imposition of intellectual property rights by outsiders ) , by providing proof of prior use , and giving the possibility of enforcing prior informed consent of the concerned community

¡¤         Protect technology knowledge skill from piracy