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Tips to Be More Eco Friendly

by Paisley Hansen | 08-06-2022 06:45

Everyone should do their part to help the environment. Committing to do so doesn't have to involve a huge shift in how you live your life. There are plenty of small changes you can make that will have an impact. Read these tips for some useful ideas to get you started. 

Conserve Energy

You can start your eco-friendly practices by reducing the amount of energy you consume. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Shut down or unplug appliances that aren't in use. Better yet, invest in energy-efficient appliances that don't require as much energy to run. Use safety equipment and upgrade where needed to maintain proper electrical current distribution in your home, such as medium voltage switchgear


Everyone knows the importance of recycling wherever possible. Do your part by having convenient bins nearby to sort recyclable plastics, glass, and metal. Find out where the nearest recycling center is in your community and take your used materials there. 

Recycling isn't limited to these materials. Anything that you no longer have a use for can be donated or repurposed. Clothing is popular, but practically anything that is in good condition can be reused, such as furniture. You could simply give it away to someone who needs it or try refinishing it to convert the piece into something entirely new. 

Reduce Water Use

Pay attention to how much water you use and make an effort to cut back. This is especially important during times of water shortage and drought. Take shorter showers. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth. These simple measures can drastically reduce the amount of water you typically use. 

Conserve water outside as well. Collect rainwater to use for watering your garden and lawn, washing your vehicles, and even doing laundry. Rainwater can also be converted into safe drinking water with the right filtration and cleaning system. 

Buy Mindfully

Think about the goods that you purchase and make an effort to buy mindfully. You can do this in all areas of your life. This could mean buying organic produce and free-range or grass-fed meats.

A great way to reduce your environmental impact is to buy locally whenever possible. This limits the need to ship goods long distances in trucks that produce emissions. Research the items you buy beforehand. Make sure they are ethically produced and sustainably sourced. Choose companies that use less packaging and cut down on waste products. 

Another tip is to purchase items that can easily be reused instead of opting for single-use plastic. String bags are small and can be stored in a pocket or purse to hold your purchases when you go shopping or buy groceries. Reusable water bottles are another example of how one product can be reused to lessen waste. 

Avoid Products with Harmful Chemicals

Get in the habit of scanning the labels of products to find out what ingredients are being used. So many things, from foods to skincare products to cleaning supplies, contain harsh chemicals that can affect both your health and the environment. 

Do some research to find products that are safe and eco-friendly. You may also want to try making a few things at home. Some common household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda are very effective cleaning materials. They are also safe and don't leave behind harmful fumes or residue that get on your skin or clothes. 


Composting is a wonderful way to cut back on waste. Use food scraps and other organic materials like yard waste to make a compost pile or bin. Once started, it takes little effort. Plus, the resulting compost can be used to provide an excellent source of nutrients to your garden or potted plants. 

Adopting even a few of these suggestions can make a difference. However, once you realize how easy it is to make small tweaks to your habits and routines, you can start to add in more. Your efforts can limit your carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the environment.