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How To Motivate People Towards Sustainability

by Paisley Hansen | 03-06-2022 01:47

Sustainability is the process of creating and maintaining the conditions for longer-term flourishing or growth. It is a wholesale, long-term and multi-dimensional shift in how individuals, organizations, communities and societies relate to resources, the environment and each other. Organizations do not exist in a vacuum; they are embedded within societies that support their work. Sustainable practices are often difficult to implement but when done well can yield results across many sectors of society - for example improve health outcomes with physical activity; reduce poverty by supporting small agricultural entrepreneurs; protect biodiversity with effective land acquisition policies.

Depending on organizational structures and the culture of the country or region, sustainable development may be incorporated into existing planning, policy, governance and decision-making processes as a strategic approach to managing resources. Sustainable development is an ongoing process that requires commitment from all parties involved. Workplace practices should reflect personal values; if people believe in a cause they will feel compelled to act. The most successful endeavors are those that engage individuals.

The following are 7 ways to effectively communicate and motivate people toward sustainable practices that can be utilized by leaders, managers and organizations:

1. Training

Training is the foundation of a sustainable culture. Laying the groundwork with a foundational training program can help people understand how their decisions and actions affect the organization's sustainability. Negotiation training will help you to create better deals and sustainable practices that suit both parties and help retain the relationship longer.

2. Involve Individuals

Involving individuals in decision-making processes is a key factor for effective sustainability. By raising awareness of sustainable practices in terms of environmental, social and financial impacts, individuals are more likely to take similar actions within their sphere of influence such as their workplace.

3. Create a Vision

Create a vision of sustainability that everyone at all levels can rally around. People need a clear picture of what the company or organization is trying to do and how they can have an impact.

4. Make Sustainability Fun

Human behavior is contagious, and given the right conditions workplaces will develop their own culture along sustainable lines. Make sustainability fun by involving people in innovative activities that tie into their day-to-day roles. Do not underestimate the importance of positive reinforcement.

5. Lead by Example

People follow leaders' actions and not their words, so leaders must lead by example. Set an example by asking people to identify their own personal sustainability goals and giving each person the appropriate resources to help them achieve these goals over time.

6. Recognize Contributions

Organizations that recognize and reward sustainability efforts will have a more effective workforce. Incentives such as increased bonuses or a cash prize for the most sustainable team are effective ways to create a culture of sustainability.

7. Encourage Innovation

Reward innovative ideas that generate better collective outcomes such as being more efficient and lowering energy consumption per unit of output. Making sustainability fun can also encourage the generation of new ideas.


It is through increased awareness and interaction with employees, managers and organizations that individuals will be motivated toward sustainable practices. By designating the sustainability champion, communicating clear goals of sustainability to everyone at all levels, creating a vision of a sustainable future and encouraging innovative ideas in an environment focused on sustainability can create a self-sustaining culture that motivates people toward social, environmental and financial well-being. By engaging individuals at all levels management can achieve desired outcomes for the organization, society and environment over the long term.