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Thematic Article: Biodiversity

by Govinda Katuwal | 01-06-2022 18:13

Biodiversity: Key to Life

Humans, nature¡¯s most intellectual organisms and gifted with tools to make possible everything. While on the journey of making everything bound in their hands, slowly and steadily they are now starting to harm the basic fundamental thing for survival i.e., biodiversity. Ask anyone a child to expert, s/he had definitely listen to this word and somewhat know its meaning also but do they understand it completely. 

Biodiversity or biological diversity is the joined word between bio meaning life and diversity meaning variety. In simple terms biodiversity accounts for all the possible diversification of living organisms on our planet. The essence and importance of biodiversity go on to increase when we tried to explain it. From minuscule to macroscale level everything is connected. Biodiversity is the ecological life support system. Here, each and everyone species perform its definitive role or niche so that the whole biosphere thrives. The most common example we see is that of bees, first, they pollinate almost 1/3rd of the plants including our crops which satisfy our hunger. But looking deep in this example, after immediate germination of seeds, microorganisms below the surface work so that the plant function effectively. Before flowering, the bud needs to be protected from different attacking insects where wasps come into play defending from harmful insects. After it is flowered then depending upon plant species they have their own pollinator which mostly is bees. We had just observed that just for a plant to grow and produce its fruit there is the involvement of many organisms. This is the beauty of biodiversity and how the world runs upon it. Further, biodiversity provides crucial services such as seed dispersal, climate regulation, water purification, nutrient cycling, and control of agricultural pests.


Everything we use in our daily life is credited to the manufacturer but at least we focus on attributing its source viz., biodiversity. These all are the utilitarian values including the many basic needs humans obtain from biodiversity such as food, fuel, shelter, and medicine.  Also what we tend to forget is that Homo sapiens is one of the best examples of biodiversity and its working.  We may be one species but to run our own body we need millions of microorganisms from gut bacteria which help in digestion to microorganisms living in our skins. And, how all of our organs work together to make us is truly magnificent.

But in recent times, human activities like exploitation, habitat degradation & habitat loss, climate change, invasive species & genes, and pollution is posing a greater threat to biodiveristy which could be irreversible collapsing the whole ecosystem at a once.

If there is a problem so does the solution. One of the major methods adopted to conserve biodiversity is the ex-situ and in-situ approaches. As time advances so do our methods needed to be, the present trialed methods for conserving biodiversity for the shake of all organisms including humans are Nature-based solutions and Ecosystem-based approaches. These are the first-hand applicable methods directly to reduce the impact on biodiversity and promote the well-being of such.

At last, biodiversity as part of nature, one must not forget to do,

¡° Save NATURE to be saved¡±