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Soil - An Essence of Life!

by Momina Ahsan | 31-05-2022 00:38

                With a swift blow of air, mud started circling the corners and took the shape of a big cyclone, with plastics, dirt, papers, and a handful of other waste materials. After the mud settled, the area started giving the appearance of some waste desert area with every dirt material collected and mud everywhere. This was the depiction of land in one city!

      At the corners of the oceans, waves threw plastic bags, face masks, waste objects thrown by the people, and other materials, showing the ugly face of the Humans. 

        Soil Pollution has been a major issue since the fourth revolution of the industrial era. As humans started getting developed, urbanization started getting to the peak and human development accelerated at a ten-fold rationale, soil pollution has been causing the havoc in the community. Due to industrial waste materials being thrown in rivers, oceans, and other water bodies, the inorganic waste can be seen on the surface, bringing foul smell, causing diseases, and making humanity linger with the negative aspects of this pollution.

                This is not the only factor, yet, the impacts are getting more severe with every passing day. due to the increased revolution in industrialization, there has been a major decline in the production of crops, eatables, and other plants for the living beings' consumption. In Pakistan alone, it has been reported that there has been a 3.7% decline in the GDP due to less production of wheat and other crops, with the reason of devastating soil degradation. This represents a loss of almost $19.5 billion to the Pakistan economy. Cities face the problems of sewage waste, the garbage of homes and factories, or chemicals are thrown in sewage water. The same water is being consumed while the sewage water from the rural areas is being used for irrigation. Though the sewage water after treatment increases the land fertility, if the toxic chemicals are not removed from the water, it destroys the land, increasing soil erosion. To maintain the fertility of agricultural lands around the world, they are kept vacant for a season but farmers in Pakistan are now cultivating crops multiple times a year on the same land, which is reducing its productivity. Thus, leading to soil infertility and erosion. 
    On the other hand, due to increased chemicals thrown in rivers, oceans, and water bodies, there are more chances of cancer-related diseases growing on the Human side. Health practitioners have started strongly recommending that home and industrial waste should be transferred to the landfill sites by the staff of local bodies and disposed of by machines with safety measures in place. They maintain that the excessive use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, and sprays cause skin cancer and respiratory diseases alongside damaging soil fertility. These toxins are also entering the food chain and there is a dire need to stop the use of unhealthy substances, utilize pesticides sparingly, and recycle and reuse plastic and other items. Meanwhile, scientists have warned that millions of people could die by 2050 due to food shortages caused by land pollution. It is estimated that owing to the decline in land fertility, the country suffers a loss of 3% annually in national production. According to data compiled by the International Water Management Institute, a loss of 2% of annual Gross domestic product (GDP) and 7% value of total agricultural production is caused by a decline in land fertility in South Asia. Fertility has declined in an area of 140 million hectares, which is 43% of the cultivable land in South Asia. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) states the soil contains high levels of alluvium and sediments while it is 90% deficient in organic matter. Solid waste particularly plastic, industrial effluents and emissions, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, waterlogging and salinity, industrial and mine accidents, nuclear emissions, land overuse, and other pollutants are damaging the earth¡¯s surface. The face masks and plastic gloves used during the recent outbreak of coronavirus were thrown away without adopting proper measures adding to the already aggravated soil pollution. This is the need of the hour to start emphasizing the drawbacks caused by soil pollution and focus on Climatic changes severity to minimize the loss and maximize the sustainability of life on Mother Earth. 

How we can minimize the Loss:

  • By accelerating the Climatic Actions Efforts
  • Social Media Campaigns about Save earth, Save Soil
  • Charging Fine to local communities, due to illegal actions of throwing chemicals or waste on soil
  • Emphasizing on ecofriendly products
  • Banning plastic made items and factories producing such products
  • Maximizing the efforts and launching campaigns at institutes, offices and homes to minimize the loss
  • Management of municipal solid waste
  • Waste grading and recycling
  • Setting-up landfills and composting sites
  • Incineration for hospital infectious wastes
These efforts if launched properly by local and National Governments would impact the universe effectively. Thus, Saving the Soil that is an Essence of Life!