Sharing a poem that I wrote on the topic of Soil Pollution as I believe that sometimes a simple verse can convey a message stronger than a long narrative and leave a lasting impression that stays long in the mind of the reader....
IF ONLY THE EARTH COULD SPEAK I gave you food and shelter All that you needed to thrive And yet you cause me pain For endless greed and gain So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak My body is your home I hold your sky-high nests You plough me and you till Your infinite hunger I must fill So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak But over the millennia Your appetite has grown My bounty has been stolen My wounds painfully swollen So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak You think I am all yours You mine me for wealth You bore and drill me for oil You pollute my precious soil So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak You destroy natural habitats Displacing flora and fauna You care not for the future You disrespect nature¡¯s nurture So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak You cut off trees and plants Making my exposed surface erode Then feeding harmful chemicals You disrupt my fragile vitals So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak Beware of the consequences My weakening is your doom My trembling will cause quakes No escape from Tsunami waves So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak If volcanoes spew out fire If mountains begin to slide If lands can no longer nourish Your race will no more flourish So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak So wake up, think and act Take only what I can sustain A balance you must observe To respect me as I deserve So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak I am all that you have There is no Planet B Learn to live and let live Don¡¯t just take, also give So would she say to you If only the Earth could speak