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6 Tips For Moving Your Business Forward

by Paisley Hansen | 18-04-2022 12:57

The global theme of 2022 is moving forward. Businesses are looking to bounce back after two years of hardship, and everyone's goal is to come back stronger than ever. Accomplishing that is always easier said than done, but certain strategies seem poised to fuel success. Here are six tips for moving your business forward. 

Invest in New Technologies

The past decade has seen an array of powerful new business technologies become available. Business process automation (BPA) tools have been catching all the headlines lately. From forecasting algorithms and customer relationship management (CRM) software to project management and cloud monitoring systems, there is an abundance of efficiency-boosting technologies now affordable even for small businesses. Shop around and see what upgrades fit your unique needs. 

Optimize Your Digital Presence

Since the majority of marketing is now done in cyberspace, that's where you should focus on generating leads. This means updating blog posts and social media pages consistently with relevant content. It could also be time to revamp your branding itself for greater impact. Science can be a significant aid here. The impact of color on human emotions and the readability of text layouts are well-established functions of psychology, so build your brand iconography in a way that's proven to leave positive impressions and communicate your company's vision.

Engage With Customers

Generating those new leads is important, but retaining the customers you have typically has a greater return on investment. According to a Markinblog study, an existing customer is around 60-70% likely to actually make a purchase, while the same is true of only 5-20% of new prospects. Having the best customer service is a driver of these statistics since a poor customer service experience will always drive business away.

Chatbots and call centers can be good for dealing with high volume, but having the additional options of live chat and emailing an agent will decrease customer frustration and increase conversions. Remember to also reach out on a consistent basis, sending new offers and discount opportunities via email and SMS. Show customers your loyalty and they'll do the same. 

Focus on Quality

One of the best ways to retain and grow your customer base is by doubling down on high-quality offerings. Research by tech company First Insight revealed that only 38% of customers consider price first when making a purchase. For 53%, quality takes the lead. Quality means different things to different people, but customers want to know that you're making an effort to give them something that exceeds expectations. Learn what your specific niche is looking for in terms of ideal products and follow their lead. 

Network with Other Companies

Competition is only one path to growth. Networking and coordinating with other companies in your industry and related industries is equally vital to success. Partnering with influencers on media platforms like TikTok and YouTube is an especially good idea since an Edelman study found in 2021 that 58% of consumers bought something based on recommendations made by an influencer. Such is their reach that they trust them to a degree typically reserved for friends and family. 

Networking opportunities don't end with influencers. Attending networking events and mixers is a great way to build contacts and gain information about the current state of the market and business community, as well as to meet high-quality potential hires. Find your local chamber of commerce and start building those connections.

Make Wellness a Priority

If the past two years taught us anything, it's to prioritize our health and wellbeing. On a purely practical level, keeping employee health at the forefront of your policies translates into less revenue lost through illness-related time off and higher overall productivity while on the job. Simple steps like offering healthy foods in the break room, having ergonomic workstations, and offering flexible schedules can do wonders. At a more human level, it's about valuing the people who keep your operation afloat.  

Final Thoughts

Moving forward is going to look different for every company. Use these tips as a starting point for reinventing and rejuvenating your business in the new year.