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[Free Theme-April] A gift of nature that our garbage is killing

by Anghy Aquino | 09-04-2022 16:15

In my district, every rainy season —from January to March— nature gives us a beautiful ecosystem that I can appreciate every time I take my dogs for a walk near my neighbors' corn fields. A beautiful aquatic ecosystem that is formed thanks to the water from the rains in which toads arrive to reproduce and that allows me to appreciate the miracle of life and the amazing metamorphosis. It is marvelous to see how little tadpoles slowly turn into toads. It is really astonishing to see how some are growing back legs and others are losing their little tails. It is stunning! I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to witness the growth of these living beings. I didn't know it would fill me with so much excitement, but it did. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but those moments make me feel so lucky to be alive. And I would like future generations to also have the opportunity to appreciate these magnificent spectacles of nature and feel the same love and excitement that I feel when I see these living things. Nevertheless, this dream is becoming more and more impossible because as urbanization increases, so does the production of garbage that ends up in these beautiful ecosystems and destroys them little by little.




I remember that when there were no houses near the corn fields, these aquatic ecosystems remained clean and the tadpoles could grow without problems. Now, on the contrary, with the appearance of some houses, we can see the presence of garbage in these ecosystems, which causes the death of many tadpoles. Some are trapped in plastic bags, others crushed by rubbish bags. It is really sad to see how the tadpole population is gradually decreasing. One week I saw them in large numbers and now they are practically decimated. 

Whenever I can, I go to clean these areas, but the garbage always reappears. The problem is too big to be solved only by cleaning, it needs more than that, for example, the intervention of the authorities, since as I mentioned in the previous report, the garbage truck does not go to certain areas, among them, those where the tadpoles are found. As a result, neighbors throw their rubbish bags in these beautiful ecosystems. 

Not only the authorities must do their part to solve this problem, but also the neighbors. Taking care of our ecosystems depends on all of us, if we don't do it, then who will? It is our duty as citizens to preserve these environments so that future generations will also have the opportunity to see these beautiful species.