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Acid rain (Free Topic)

by Vaishnavi Raut | 12-04-2022 20:48

Acid rain is form of precipitation of Nitric and sulfuric acid . It occur in the form of fog , snow and even dry material that settle on the earth.
        When the people burn fossil fuels NO2 and SO2 are realise in the atmosphere these gases react with water, oxygen,and other substance nitric and sulfuric acid.and wind spread thuse acidic solutions hundreds of miles after it fall, acid rain in water and sink in to the ground.these make water toxic and it directly affected to the aquatic life.acid rain also harm forest by damaging trees, acid rain remove minerals and nutrients from the soil that helps to trees grow.and it also affect the photosynthesis process. Mountain, plants  are more likely to  higher amount of acid clouds and fog, acidic water can make a healthy growing plant Dead.
         Acid rain also affect an architecture and buildings. Especially those constructed with lime stone, they they react with minerals and corrode them away. This leaves building weak. Irreplaceable damges cause the old Herita-
ge building.
 Effect On Public Health: it affect an respirator-
y system, and it cause to problem of respiration an dry form in the air can cause  lungs and heart problem such as asthma.
There are several solutions to stopping humans cause acid rain
*Each person can do their part by reducing their vehicles use. By using public transportat-
ion, walking, riding a bicycle it also help for our healthy life 
* People can also reduce their use of electricity which is widely created with fossil fuels or switch to solar plans

*Renewable energy:  encourage the production and use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.

*Plant more trees to absorb polluted air.

*Filter and detoxify the water use by the factory before returning to the rivers.
