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Water Pollution(March Thematic Report)

by Roselyne Awiti | 07-04-2022 00:32

Water pollution

Water pollution occurs when we release harmful substances to various water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans among others, contaminating them thus rendering them toxic for human and animal consumption.  

Major cause of water pollution

Water being a universal solvent (ability to dissolve almost all substances) makes it easily polluted. This means, substances from industries and chemical from farms are readily taken up and mixed up with water thus making it easy for pollution. This remains the major cause of water pollution.

Sources of water pollution

Industries; chemicals and wastes released from industries

Farms; agricultural chemicals used in the farm can be washed to the nearby waterbody when it rains.

Human beings; humans dump litters into various water bodies.

Sewers; instead of waste and sewage being treated, some are directly released into various water bodies.

Oil; oil spillage from tankers on roads  can be ferried by surface run off to these water bodies

Effects of water pollution

¡¤       Suffocation of plants and animals

When substances such as oil spill into any water body, oxygen penetration is made impossible thus plants and animals, some of whom we depend on can die due to this.

  • ¡¤       Eutrophication of such water bodies leading to growth of algae and other unwanted vegetation
  • ¡¤       Cause diseases such as cholera and typhoid, skin rash
  • ¡¤       Death of human beings and animals from the adverse effects of water pollution.  
  • Preventing water pollution
  • ¡¤       Ensure proper disposal of non-biodegradable items and any other litter to prevent them from ending up in any of the water bodies.
  • ¡¤       Maintaining cars to prevent any oil spillage from leaking tankers.
  • ¡¤       Reduce, reuse, recycle plastic materials.
  • ¡¤       Speak against any form of water pollution.

Water is life and its contamination equals shortening our lifespan. Let¡¯s stand and condemn its pollution by all means. First, by acting as examples and secondly by telling others to do the same. It is our responsibility to avoid actions that will lead to contamination of water in any of the earlier mentioned water bodies or in the various water sources.



35 Causes, Effects & Solutions For Water Pollution - E&C (