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Monthly Thematic Report: Water Pollution

by Bidhata Pathak | 26-03-2022 21:44

What is water pollution in simple words?
- Water pollution is simply the presence of toxic chemicals and biological agents that exceed what is naturally found in the water and may pose a threat to human health and the environment. Environment Act of 1980 defines it as: any direct or indirect alteration of the physical, thermal, chemical, biological, radioactive properties of any part of the environment by discharge, emission or deposit of wastes so as to affect any beneficial use adversely or to cause a condition, which is hazardous to public health, safety or welfare of animals, birds, wildlife, aquatic life or to plants of every description.

So, what's the biggest cause of water pollution?
Out of many hazardous human activities, industrial chemical waste dumping has always been the most fatal one. Factories and industries dump highly toxic substances such as detergents, polychlorinated biphenyls, and lead into water bodies everyday. This directly pollutes water affecting aquatic lives, drinking water and other aspects of the environment. In order to control water pollution, this needs to stop first and foremost. Another big cause of water pollution is the use of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers. The lawn and garden chemicals are generally absorbed by the groundwater mainly by the process of leaching and runoff. The groundwater becomes polluted, and the quality of water deteriorates, which has several ill effects on crops and pisciculture.

How is water pollution affecting us? Why should you even care about it?
- According to the United Nations, every year there are more deaths caused by polluted water than all types of violence combined, including war. Contaminated water cause the spread of diseases such as typhoid and cholera. 

- Pollutants disrupt relationships between species in the ecosystem that we survive in.

- Water pollution hampers our economy. It hampers commercial fishing, recreational businesses, tourism which rely heavily on clean water.

- Water pollution increases infant mortality rate. According to the UN, diarrhoeal diseases linked to lack of hygiene cause the death of about 1000 children a day worldwide.

- In normal conditions, it costs a lot to purify dirty drinking water, and besides that, health cost of treating diseases resulting from contaminated water is very high too.

Simple things that we are totally capable of doing to control water pollution to a great extent but often ignore:

1. Stop pouring cooking oil and grease into the kitchen sink.

2. Minimize the use of pesticides and insecticides. Instead, use organic methods for pests and insects control.

3. Avoid the use of plastics. Remember, they often end up in the water bodies contaminating natural habitats and destroying aquatic lives.

4. Avoid disposing tissue paper, rags, and other cleaning disposables into the toilet.

5. Do not flush down unwanted medications because they might contain chemicals that are hazardous to water. Hand them over to the authority who can dispose them properly.

Most importantly, admit that it's our common responsibility to protect mother earth. Participate in campaigns, practice environment-friendly daily habits, tell others to do so. Simple acts you're ignoring can be big moves towards preventing a big disaster. Act against water pollution TODAY!