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Tips to Make Your Pool Greener

by Paisley Hansen | 24-03-2022 09:50

Tips to Make Your Pool Greener

Operating a swimming pool involves using significant electricity, water and chemicals. If you own a swimming pool, you may want to consider some options to make the pool more environmentally friendly. You should be able to recoup costs to upgrade your pool to improve its sustainability as the operating expenses should be reduced. Here are some things you can do to increase the efficient operation of your swimming pool.

Keep Your Pool Clean

A simple way to improve the operation of your pool is to keep it clean. This includes regular cleaning of filters and vacuuming of debris. You also need to scrub any algae buildup regularly. The cleaner the pool is, the fewer chemicals are required to use it. You can get a robotic option for vacuuming that operates on solar power. A solar-powered vacuum is a good fit as your pool is likely in an area that gets a decent amount of sun. Other green methods to clean your pool include switching to filters made with natural materials. Natural filter materials, such as sphagnum moss, can reduce the chemicals needed to clean the pool.

Use an Energy Efficient Pump

The pump is the engine that powers the systems needed to keep your pool running, including circulating the water and distributing the chemicals. It would help if you looked into pump options that are energy efficient to save on the power required. Features such as variable speed and timed functions help make some pumps more efficient. Swimming pool contractors in Mobile can provide further information on energy-efficient pumps that would work best for your pool.

Add a Pool Cover

A pool cover can reduce the amount of debris that enters the water feature, reducing the amount of cleaning you must do. In addition, a cover traps heat and reduces water evaporation. Water evaporation from your pool can lead to significant personal water use as you try to refill it. It would help to consider using a pool cover when your pool is not in use. You can install a powered cover that quickly closes with the push of a button.

Replace Lighting

Another way to save on power costs is to replace the lighting in your pool with energy-efficient options such as LED lights. LED lights use less electricity and last longer than traditional bulbs. It would help if you also considered replacing any deck lighting with LED versions to maximize your energy savings. 

Install a Windbreak

A windbreak is any structure that protects your pool from wind gusts. Wind gusts cause more water evaporation and increase the energy required to keep your pool operating. A break can be any material that provides screening, from a simple fence to bushes planted around the deck perimeter.

Switch from Chlorine

Chlorine is regularly used to eliminate germs and bacteria in swimming pools. Chlorine is also a poisonous chemical that can cause damage to people, animals and plants. In addition, the production and use of chlorine emit harmful greenhouse gases. It would help if you considered switching your cleaning regimen to use a less caustic method. Some options include ozone cleaning or mineral sanitation.

Repair Damage

Damage can be a cause of a significant water leak. It would help if you regularly inspect your pool for any damage or broken pipes. If you find something that needs repair, do not hesitate to get it fixed. Ignoring problems can make the repairs more costly in the long run.

Do Not Drain the Water

After the swimming season is over, you should keep the water in your pool and cover it instead of draining it, and keeping the water in the pool when it's not in use will reduce overall water consumption. In addition, filled pools generally require less repair and maintenance.

Having a pool can be a great addition to your home and provide many hours of enjoyable leisure for you. You can reduce the expense and environmental impact of running a pool by making a few changes.