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4 Simple Steps We Can Take To Save The Planet

by Paisley Hansen | 17-03-2022 13:16

As the effects of climate change become harder and harder to ignore, organizations around the globe are teaming up to fight this menace. The issue often seems so big that individuals are left wondering if anything they do can possibly make a difference. It can. Everyone has the power to make positive changes in the world if they know what to do. Here are four steps you can take right now to help save our world. 

1. Learn About Our Planet

It's easy to see why environmental consciousness really took off after the moon landings. It's all too easy to forget that we live on a small and fragile planet. Break that cycle of ignorance by learning the fundamentals of how living systems function. The internet has plenty of resources of course, but hitting the books is also a good plan. There are many good textbooks about ecology out there for beginners or experts. The best teacher, though, is experience. Local parks and recreation organizations almost always have events geared towards getting people more in touch with nature. After you learn, teach. Environmental justice teaching resources are just a click away. 

2. Conserve Resources

Learning that our world is finite drives home the idea that we need to use what we have wisely. Participating in recycling programs is a necessary first step, but we can and should do more. Limiting your consumption is a good idea for yourself and the planet, since the things we use require energy and resources to produce in the first place. They also fill landfills at a rate of 1.3 billion tons of refuse a year. Instead of throwing things away if they break, learn basic repair skills or engage in upcycling, which means turning a damaged or seemingly useless item into something useful. Take small steps to reduce your energy usage, like turning off unused lights or using simple hacks to add gas mileage to your car. Learning to value the little things is how we learn to value everything. 

3. Adopt Clean Energy

Arguably the greatest threat to the planet is climate change caused by greenhouse gasses. Electricity, home & commercial energy, and industry combined are responsible for 61% of those emissions. Switching to clean energy is easier than you might think. Installing renewable energy can be expensive at first, but thanks to an array of federal and local incentives, introducing solar panels and other renewables can net you a tax break. Having an independent power supply also makes your home or business more resilient in a disaster and less vulnerable to fuel price volatility. If going off the grid isn't for you, many utility providers give the option of purchasing renewable energy directly. Perhaps most importantly, investing in green energy gives your financial support to the fourth step. 

4. Support Innovation

The idea that we have to choose between big government control and global catastrophe is false and dangerous. The truth is that our species is at its best when we have to think our way around a problem. Scientists and architects are starting to work with the ideas of biophilic design and biomimicry. The former means incorporating living things into our lives, such as using certain plants to filter pollution from the air. The latter goes a step further, using biological processes as inspiration to make our buildings and technologies more efficient and in-tune with nature. Scientists and tech companies are also working overtime to develop fusion energy and space-based resource extraction, which hold the promise of nearly unlimited clean resources in the future. Investing in and spreading awareness of "green" technologies like these is a down payment for a better future. 


We all depend on this world for our survival and progress. Taking care of it is something we owe to future generations. Use these simple tips to start doing your part.