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(Free Topic)Greenhouse Effect And Global Warming

by Vaishnavi Raut | 13-03-2022 22:29

    The global warming is the major problem that we are facing Nowday. Long term heating of earth's climate system is known as global warming. Green house effect is responsible for global warming . The green House effect is the process that occurs when energy from sun goes through its atmosphere and warms the planets surface ,but the atmosphere prevent the heat from returning directly to space resulting rise in temperature of planet. Light from sun warm
The Earth surface . The warmed surface then radiates heat.some of which is absorbed by green house gases and the rest is returned space . Green house effect is useful to maintain the temperature which is suitable for living organisms . But when amount of green house gases increases in the atmosphere ,the excess heat get trapped in atmosphere resulting in rose in temperature of earth.
            Thus excess green house gases can be called as cause of global warming. Examples of these gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,flourinated gases. Among these gases carbon dioxide present in highest amount.the percentage of each gas is give below 
Carbon dioxide:80%
Methane.           :10%
Nitrous oxide.   :7%
Fluorinated gases:3%
          Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossils fules (coal, Natural gas and oil) solid waste ,tress and other biological materials and also as a result of certain chemical reactions (eg.manufacture of cement) methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas and oil.methane emissions also result from livestock and other agriculturl practices ,land use and by the decay of organic waste in municipal solid waste landfills.nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural ,land use , industrial activities, combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste as well as during the treatment of waste water . Hydroflouro carbons,pereflouro carbons,sulfer hexaflouried and nitrogen triflouride and synthetic , powerful green house gases that are emitted from variety of industrial process are termed as flourinated gases also called as ozone depleting substances.
          The global warming is a major problem as mentioned earlier . It results in melting of poler ice which causes increase in sea level .it also results in severe strome , drought , shift in range of plants and animals , more intense heat waves . Nation around the world are upping their game in the fight against climate change . The gole is simple . Carbon dioxide is the climates worst enemy . It is released when oil,coal, fossil fuels are burn for energy the energy we use to power out homes cars and smartphones . By using less of it ,we can curb our own contribution to climate change while also saving money. If you even recycle half of the waste produced at home , you can save up to 2000 pounds of CO2 every year. Air pollution is one of the major factors that lead to an increase in greenhouse gases , minimize the use of cars and make use of public transportation . Try walking , biking or carpooling whenever possible . Deforestation plays an important role in global warming and climate changes. Planting trees is helpful as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and regulate the climate. Hence, there is a adire need to plant more trees because a single tree can absorb one ton of CO2 in its lifetime. One of the most effective ways to prevent global warming is to start using renewable energy sources such as solar , geothermal,wind and biomass and stop using fossil fuels. In such ways we can prevent global warming which is essential for the future of living things and earth.