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[Theme of the month] February - "What I am doing to help the environment"

by Paola Guevara | 06-03-2022 09:14

What I'm doing to help the environment

Caring for the environment is a task that corresponds to all of us, but what can we do to help conserve it?

Really what I do for the environment, is in actions and I try to share them so that more people apply them.
This is why, from the Heat Pump Promotion Plan, being an environmentally friendly technology that significantly reduces CO2 emissions, some tips that may be useful such as:

1. I separate the garbage. Recycling is very important, so much so that, in Madrid, a campaign has been launched, called "Get it right with the organic", which seeks to encourage the inhabitants of approximately 12 districts of the capital to separate their organic waste and deposit it in a brown lid container. With this, the administration seeks that in 2020 50% of domestic and commercial waste can be destined for reuse and recycling.

2. I turn off the lights. Getting used to turning off the lights that we are not using is also an action that everyone at home and at work can take and, of course, using daylight can reduce energy consumption in our homes.

3. I avoid leaving appliances plugged in. The mobile charger, the television, the PC, among other devices, which when they are turned off continue to consume energy, so when they are not in use, it is important to unplug them.

4. I close the taps correctly and take care of the water, save and use water efficiently by turning off the tap, and check that there are no leaks. For the UN, water is the epicenter of sustainable development and global socio-economic development and points out that to date water scarcity already affects 4 out of 10 people.

5. I take my own bags to the supermarket. Now at home or at work, reusable bags abound, so taking one to the supermarket is not a difficult task. Something that can undoubtedly remind us that we must avoid the use of plastic bags since the production of these requires the use of approximately 12 million barrels of oil, their degradation takes approximately 20 years.
Generating small actions from our daily habits can bring about great and positive changes to planet earth and the technology of the Heat Pump contributes significantly to this.

6. Reforestation, in my community we reforest every six months in an area that has space in my city (Quito). Honestly, it is an action that helps the environment and the community.

In conclusion, the environment is the space in which the life of different organisms develops, favoring their interaction. In it are both living beings and lifeless elements and others created by the hand of man.
