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Polluted air - Compromised Globe!

by Momina Ahsan | 25-02-2022 00:56

                   Air - the major constituent of life on the Earth carrying the mixture of oxygenated gases and the gases phenomenal for survival of life on the globe. Air is made up of 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and other gases in meagre amounts. Water vapour is also a constituent of air in varying amounts, along with dust particles. The dry composition of the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. It also contains fractional amounts of argon and carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases, such as helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen (NASA). 

                  Imagine the major constituent of the life getting polluted due to the revolutionary development in the science and increasing feasibilities of the human race making the existence of life difficult. In the recent years of development, the World Health Organization has observed the rise in pollution to various parts of the globe. In the history, the first chunk of the pollution in the ecosystem was contributed during the first World War, in the attempt of Atomic bomb thrust to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Cities of Japan). After that, the air pollution started rising rapidly, with the major drawbacks to the public health. In accordance with the World Health Organization's guidelines, the air quality in Pakistan is considered unsafe - the most recent data indicates the country's annual mean concentration of PM2. 5 is 58 µg/m3, exceeding the recommended maximum of 10 µg/m3.

                   The question here arises about the reasons behind the drastic increase in air pollution and the factors impacting the surveillance of health in the globe. The answer to this question resides in the excessive individual vehicles usage for the ease and comfort in the life, causing the major drawback of thrusting harmful gases in the air. Pakistan had the fifth most polluted air in the world in 2016, driven by the common culprits in much of South Asia: 

  • Emissions from vehicles
  • Industrial activity such as brick kilns, factories, and power plants
  • Crop burning 

             As per these factors, air pollution is rising rapidly in the environment posing a threat to human health compromise and a danger for extinction of various creatures from the globe. Due to excessive automobiles gases thrust into the environment, the harmful gases contribute in the spread of major respiratory diseases and increase in nervous disorders. While, due to increasing population, the carbon emission in the ecosystem, global warming, burning of various fossil fuels, combustion and many other threats are causing the humanity suffer. 

              Apart from all that, during the recent years, in the air prevailed a dreadly virus, making the humans locked down in the cage of revolutionary impacts.  A hot issue, a cold virus executing the fear in the hearts of people, with less mortality and more fear abandoning the souls of people – In the town is Corona Fear. Coronavirus enveloped protein virus taking control over the machinery of immunocompromised patients and making the old or feeble face the consequences. The virus that emerged from city of Wuhan and has now covered almost every part of world. The demand of ventilators went high and the poor is facing the shortage of diet. Today according to the outbreak orders, World health organization has belled Pandemic, everything is locked and its nothing less than Slavery making us remind the dominance HUMAN were having on animals freedom making them slave. But, this pandemic brought the major impacts for the revival of nature. 

      According to research, due to less pollution & less fuel usage, ozone layer is recovering itself.  Nature revoked and animals returned back to their land. Although this outbreak had caused many deaths yet the ratio of recovered is more. If it caused havoc round the globe, Environmental orders of recovering nature made the Globe stable. When Global warming was making it devastated, this lockdown became the order of rehabilitation. When traffic smoke was making all suffocated, this lockdown turned out to be a blessing. This time proved to be a Blessing in disguise for all of us to learn the importance of AIR & its CONSTITUENTS. When there was no traffic on roads, no horns making all dumb, there was life throbbing in hearts far away in the houses. When there were no masses making chaos on the roads, there was beauty flourishing on the grounds, making the earth evergreen. When every airport was abandoned, there was Earth looking beautiful. When there was no pollution all over the Globe, the statue of liberty can be seen standing bright and steady. The thought of being caged at homes seems stressing yet, its beauty made the Earth glow.
             The chirping of birds, the dazzle of sun in the dawn, the scene glorifying and mesmerizing all, with no smoke but froth, with no pollution but greenery all over the Globe. This lockdown seemed to be terrifying, yet it made the Globe perfection of beauty mingling with the happiness in making the families together. Isolation but beauty, clear sky and glittery stars, it was all like Earth needed a break. 

               All these events emphasize on the importance of Air. In Pakistan, one in 10 deaths in children under the age of five is caused by air pollution. And according to the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution, an estimated 128,000 Pakistanis die annually from air pollution-related illnesses. While, Lahore, home to more than 11 million people, repeatedly replaced New Delhi as the world's most polluted city in November. Pakistan's second largest city Lahore has once again topped the daily ranking of the most polluted cities in the world, leaving authorities scrambling to fight the environmental crisis. This poses a question mark to take actions for the reduction of air pollution.

                    In the era of technology, every sector can play its role for the innovative and sustainable dissemination of the message. Like for example, 
  • Students/influencers can play their role by taking part in action campaigns #ReduceAirPollution by recording video messages, writing blogs, arranging seminars/webinars and conferences etc. This would increase the participation of the population and on the mass level we can increase awareness.
  • Launching of sustainable campaigns like - Afforestation, Reforestation, #GreenLand #GreenEarth, #SaveEarth, #PlantNewTrees etc. this would increase the plants growth on land, thus accelerating natural ways for the reduction of harmful; constituents from the environment.
  • Using public transports for reduction in the thrust of harmful gases to the environment. 
  • Turning off the lights when not in use to save the energy
  • Recycle and Reuse policy to decrease the pollutants like Electrical waste and earthly waste emitting gases in the environment
  • No to plastic bags for the reduction of pollution through polythene. 
  • Reduction of forest fires and smoking through complete awareness, rehabilitation programs 
  • Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner to bring natural impact in the earth and reduction of global warming caused by the harmful gases. 
  • Use filters for chimneys, so that the harmful gases can be filtered out before the disposal into the air.
  • Avoid usage of crackers. 

                The pandemic might seemed the Environmental orders, lockdown, returning of birds, nature glowing and the survival of Globe but it gave us an important message of SURVIVAL. Instead of havoc caused by it, Nature dazzled again. Let¡¯s be the volunteers to help people aware of the air pollution, environmental crisis and make them contribute for the survival of Earth. 
                    Let¡¯s combat the crisis & make everyone smile, not incinerated!!