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Sustainable Development Goals

by Chhavi Singh | 25-02-2022 00:09

All 193 member states of the united Nation    have adopted 17 global  goals to be achieved  by 2030 known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. The SDGs offer a framework and blueprint for achieving sustainable global prosperity and commit participating countries to individual and joint action for the good of all on the planet. The SDGs are successor to the Millennium 
Development Goals (MDGS) which ran from 2000 to 2015.
The SDGs are 4 coronavirus variety of topics:
1.No Poverty
2.No hunger
3.Good Health and Well-being
4.Quality Education
5.Gender Equality
6.Clean Water and Sanitation
7.Affordable and Clean Energy
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
9.Industry, Innovation,and Infrastructure
10.Reduced Inequalities
11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
12.Responsible Consumption and Production
13.Climate Action
14.Life Below Water
15.Life On Hand
16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17.Partenerships For The Goals

Each of the overarching 17 goals is underpinned by several targets that add specificty and measurability. For example,SDG6 on water features specific targets for water quality, access to drinking, access to sanitation, water use efficiency, and more

Each country adopting the SDGs is responsible for establishing a national policy that offers a can treat plan for achieving SDGs in their country. Organisations and Institutions are also encouraged to frame their own strategic objectives around the SDGs, creating a global task force of cooperation and joint interest.