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What i am Doing to help Environment: Thematic Report February

by Sandhya Adhikari | 23-02-2022 04:49

Dreaming to become tunza Ambassador from a simple eco aspiring individual was finally accorded on date 2019/08/20, since then I got an opportunity to encounter and learn from the diverse community and group of people regarding the various issue and the environmental activity. I got a lot of good friends from India, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda and Peru. I really admire them for their kindness and their work that they are doing for the preservation of this mother earth. Today I am going to share some of my activities that I am doing to help preserve the environment from my side.
¨ª Dozens of the online campaigns, workshops simulations, programmes and the projects
Event Name
Target Audience
¨ª To make people aware about the important of protection of mother earth from shrinking  and made them realize our responsibility for protection of mother day.
¨ª To make diverse group of audience about the impact of climate change on the environment
¨ª    Youth and Children
¨ª    35 posters were collected from all across the country with a great message that how our single action creates bring huge impact on the earth.
¨ª    ¡°Time For Nature: One Person One Plant¡±: A national Campaign on WED 2020
( All Nepal Plantation campaign was initiated under my leadership when the country was hard hit by pandemics where participants from all across the Nepal has been inspired to take part in National Plantation campaign where 1 person planted 1 plant around their home)
¨ª    To inspire the young generation that a single and individual action can create dynamic impact.
¨ª    To carry out the mass plantation all across the counttry
¨ª    All groups
¨ª    Succeed to plant around 300 plant all across the Nepal in a single day
Some other Experiences:
¨ª      School Awareness campaign organizer to local children of my village about the Air pollution, consequences and effects of air pollution on both environment and Human health
¨ª     Participant of Bagamati Cleanliness campaign of Nepal. Bagmati is one of the holiest river of Nepal which has been polluted due to human activities.
¨ª     Participant and idea initiator of Community awareness campaign on the preventative measure of one of the epidemic disease dengue in Nepal. In this campaign our team has organized rally campaigns, powerpoint presentation to local people, door to door counseling to local person about this disease.
¨ª      Idea initiator and introduction of Foldscope: 1$paper microscope for the first time at IAAS Paklihawa. Along with this I had organized the seminar and workshop about this affordable microscope to nearly 4 Lower secondary school of Nepal with a aim to transform science education to all the children of my area leaving no one behind.
¨ª Demonstrator of Vermi composting prepertion, Bio pesticides programme to the farmer of my areas, taught them about the various procedures and methods of the waste management and the segregations.
¨ª          Exhibited how plastics can be used and reused in various purposes to nearly 700 students of lower secondary level
¨ª     Organizer of Power of Words: Tunza in my village, where I had organized speech competition to school children on the burning issues like plastics pollution, climate change and aware them about the mitigation measures.
¨ª    Organized Essay competition to school children on Environmental Pollution along with presentation and documentary.
¨ª   Organized Drawing competition with the theme Art with surrounding, given presentation and  Eco motivation to small children about the deleterious effect that our earth is facing due to human activities,
¨ª     Collected eco promises from my friends, how they are going to protect this earth through their small act.
¨ª      Disseminate the knowledge of period pollutants on the environment and oceans and encouraged to use home made sanitary pads through by report.
¨ª      Raised around 500 plant saplings for afforestation programme.
To sum up, from the last 3 years I have been actively involved in eco campaigns and advocating youth and children about the importance of the environment protection and conservation. I had been conducting mass cleanliness campaigns, waste management campaigns and helping farmers with various sustainable agriculture technologies, information dissemination and methodology and I also promise to carry out more and more programmes that directly and indirectly help everyone and ultimately helps in the environment protection.

You can also go through this link to see my works till date: